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LATINO <br />HEALTHACCESS <br />November 16, 2021 <br />Mayor Sarmiento and City Council Members <br />City of Santa Ana <br />20 Civic Center Plaza <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />Latino Health Access <br />450 W. Fourth Street, Suite 130 <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />714-542-7792 <br /> <br />RE: Support to adopt Agenda Item #29, Housing Opportunity Ordinance Recommendations <br />Latino Health Access has been proudly working alongside community residents for over 27 years to <br />improve the social determinants of health in our city. We provide services that address immediate health <br />needs while providing information and facilitating opportunities to increase civic participation and impact <br />policies that will improve those social determinants in the long term. Therefore, we are writing in <br />support of the proposed amendments to the Homing Opportunity OrdinaRce. <br />The COVID-19 pandemic has altered everyday life across the globe. Beyond the disastrous health <br />consequences, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the global economy with soaring income loss, <br />underemployment, and unemployment rates. An impact that has worsened and aggravated the living <br />conditions for many residents across the City of Santa Ana. The lack of affordable housing and the rising <br />cost of housing for our low-income residents has forced people into overcrowded living conditions and <br />rent -burden. Therefore, it is crucial that the City strengthen the Homing Opportunity Ordinance (HOO) to <br />ensure that homing opportunities are available for all residents in Santa Ana. Increasing affordable <br />homing development opportunities along with market -rate homing will be crucial in creating new homing <br />that residents in Santa Ana can truly afford The creation of housing at all income levels is vital to our <br />recovery and will provide stability for the majority of Santa Ana residents that are struggling with housing <br />availability and cost. <br />While the city has seen increased production of affordable housing it has not been enough to address the <br />past deficits and growing needs for affordable housing based on the population's housing needs and <br />incomes of residents in Santa Ana. As an example, according to the City's local data, 80•/u of Santa Ana <br />renters are moderate, low, and very low-income renters. Yet the most significant increase of housing has <br />been in the above moderate homing category with a total of 3,274 above moderate units produced <br />between 2013-2021, the City exceeded its RHNA allocation by 3,638% per the City's RHNA progress <br />reports submitted to the state. Hence, the majority of these new rental housing units, with an above <br />moderate average rent of $2000- S4000, are not available to address the housing needs of most working <br />families in Santa Ana <br />Homing costs in Santa Ana have been out of teach and will continue to be out of reach in this current <br />economic climate. Households in Santa Ana must earn S44.83 an hour to afford two -bedroom homing.' <br />PREVENTION EDUCATION ACTION <br />