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(2) Immediately send us copies of any re- <br />quest, demand, order, notice, summons <br />or legal paper received concerning the <br />claim or "suit". <br />(3) Cooperate with us in the investigation or <br />settlement of the claim or defense <br />against the "suit". <br />(4) Authorize us to obtain medical records <br />or other pertinent information. <br />(5) Submit to examination, at our expense, <br />by physicians of our choice, as often as <br />we reasonably require. <br />c. If there is "loss" to a covered "auto" or its <br />equipment you must also do the following: <br />(1) Promptly notify the police if the covered <br />"auto" or any of its equipment is stolen. <br />c. Take all or any part of the damaged or sto- <br />len property at an agreed or appraised <br />value. <br />If we pay for the "loss", our payment will include <br />the applicable sales tax for the damaged or sto- <br />len property. <br />5. Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against <br />Others To Us <br />If any person or organization to or for whom we <br />make payment under this Coverage Form has <br />rights to recover damages from another, those <br />rights are transferred to us. That person or or- <br />ganization must do everything necessary to se- <br />cure our rights and must do nothing after "acci- <br />dent" or "loss" to impair them. <br />B. General Conditions <br />(2) Take all reasonable steps to protect the 1. Bankruptcy <br />covered "auto" from further damage. Bankruptcy or insolvency of the "insured" or the <br />Also keep a record of your expenses for "insured's" estate will not relieve us of any obli- <br />consideration in the settlement of the gations under this Coverage Form. <br />claim. 2. Concealment, Misrepresentation Or Fraud <br />(3) Permit us to inspect the covered "auto" This Coverage Form is void in any case of <br />and records proving the "loss" before its fraud by you at any time as it relates to this <br />repair or disposition. Coverage Form. It is also void if you or any <br />(4) Agree to examinations under oath at our other "insured", at any time, intentionally con - <br />request and give us a signed statement ceal or misrepresent a material fact concern - <br />of your answers. ing: <br />3. Legal Action Against Us <br />No one may bring a legal action against us un- <br />der this Coverage Form until: <br />a. There has been full compliance with all the <br />terms of this Coverage Form; and <br />b. Under Liability Coverage, we agree in writ- <br />ing that the "insured" has an obligation to <br />pay or until the amount of that obligation <br />has finally been determined by judgment af- <br />ter trial. No one has the right under this pol- <br />icy to bring us into an action to determine <br />the "insured's" liability. <br />4. Loss Payment —Physical Damage <br />Coverages <br />At our option we may: <br />a. Pay for, repair or replace damaged or stolen <br />property; <br />b. Return the stolen property, at our expense. <br />We will pay for any damage that results to <br />the "auto" from the theft; or <br />a. This Coverage Form; <br />b. The covered "auto'; <br />c. Your interest in the covered "auto'; or <br />d. A claim under this Coverage Form. <br />3. Liberalization <br />If we revise this Coverage Form to provide <br />more coverage without additional premium <br />charge, your policy will automatically provide <br />the additional coverage as of the day the revi- <br />sion is effective in your state. <br />4. No Benefit To Bailee — Physical Damage <br />Coverages <br />We will not recognize any assignment or grant <br />any coverage for the benefit of any person or <br />organization holding, storing or transporting <br />property for a fee regardless of any other provi- <br />sion of this Coverage Form. <br />w.�na.=51. <br />0%i� RenEweo6 APmW <br />R <br />Page 8 of 12 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2005 <br />