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At hour 6, minute 19, the City Clerk referred to written communications, but failed to outline the <br /> concerns raised by the letter. <br /> At hour 6, minute 20, Daisy Cruz from the Kennedy Commission spoke in favor of the amendments. See <br /> the notes above regarding the Kennedy Commission and Commissioner Ramos. <br /> At hour 6, minute 22, Ana Charco, of Latino Health Access, another one of Commissioner Ramos' listed <br /> sources of income, spoke in favor of the amendments. <br /> The City Attorney <br /> At hour 6, minute 25, Mayor Sarmiento asks the City Attorney about the attached letter. The City <br /> Attorney states that there was no conflict of interest because "there was no economic interest at stake" <br /> and that there is a difference between a legislative decision and adjudicative decisions. It is stated that <br /> the HOO was a legislative act and therefore there is no bias. This legal opinion is not supported by the <br /> caselaw nor by common sense. This legal opinion appears to be the case of a City Attorney counting the <br /> votes on the Council and arriving at the legal opinion which supports the majority of the Council. <br /> To argue that there is no economic interest at stake or bias is preposterous reasoning by the City <br /> Attorney and cannot withstand the simplest of common sense. At the City Council hearing on the <br /> amendments,there were only 8 total speakers on the item. 5 had comments about the process and the <br /> need for more input. Only 3 were in support of the amendments proffered by Commissioner Ramos. Of <br /> these, all 3 are the sources of income listed on Ramos' statement of economic interests. NOT A SINGLE <br /> PERSON NOT APPEARING ON RAMOS' STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS SPOKE IN FAVOR OF THE <br /> HOO AMENDMENTS AT THE NOVEMBER 16, 2021 MEETING. To call the HOO ordinance an issue of <br /> general interest is to misstate the facts of this issue. The HOO ONLY effects developers of housing in the <br /> City of Santa Ana. The fact that the exaction occurs before a specific project can negotiate the specifics <br /> of that particular project DOES NOT change the fact that this amendment to the HOO directly affects the <br /> due process of residential developers in the City of Santa Ana. <br /> Councilwoman Thai Phan Doubles Down on the Conflicts of Interest <br /> At Hour 6, minute 35, Councilwoman Thai Phan dismisses the conflict of interest and echoes the <br /> tortured logic of the City Attorney. A practicing City Attorney herself, Phan apparently doesn't <br /> understand that a conflict of interest is not excused based on an item being legislative rather than quasi- <br /> judicial. There is simply no premise for the concept that legislative acts do not have conflicts of interest <br /> and to argue such is to turn the entire Government Code section on its head. <br /> As an aside, Councilmember Thai Phan is an attorney at the law firm of Rutan &Tucker which represents <br /> many residential developers directly affected by the HOO amendments. So, it comes at no surprise that <br /> she doesn't understand conflicts of interest because she herself likely has one which should separately <br /> recuse her from her participation in this matter. Conflicts of interest do not say that a decision maker <br /> with a conflict of interest can only participate if they vote against the interests of their clients, it is a <br /> total bar to participation. It would be unbelievable for Phan to argue that her firm's numerous <br /> developer clients would hypothetically have nothing to do with her cutting the fee to $0 to benefit her <br /> clients, but she appears to believe that voting to increase the fee (and adding a completely illegal <br /> condition of mandating "skilled and trained workforce" for all housing beginning in 2025) has no <br /> economic impact on her firm's clients. Attached to this complaint and to the subsequent complaint <br /> 2 <br />