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Proposed General Plan Update is inconsistent with the Airport Environs Land Use <br /> Plan. This action requires a minimum of five affirmative votes. <br /> 42. Ordinance No. NS-XXXX—Adoption of an Urgency Ordinance Adding Division 2 and <br /> 3 to Article XX of Chapter 41 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code Establishing Interim <br /> Regulations to Regulate Urban Lot Splits and Two-Unit Projects Under Senate Bill 9 <br /> Department(s): Planning and Building Agency <br /> Recommended Action: Adopt the Urgency Ordinance by 2/3 vote to add Division 2 <br /> and 3 to Article XX of Chapter 41 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code establishing <br /> interim regulations to regulate urban lot splits and two-unit projects under Senate Bill <br /> 9. <br /> COUNCILMEMBER REQUESTED ITEMS <br /> 43. Discuss and Consider Directing City Manager to Direct Staff to Introduce an <br /> Ordinance for a Ban on the Use, Possession and Sale of All Fireworks— <br /> Councilmembers Phan, Mendoza and Mayor Pro Tem Bacerra <br /> 44. Discuss and Consider Directing City Manager to Direct Staff to add "Adopt Order of <br /> Business" to the City Council Agenda and Revise on the Agenda the Title "Invocation" <br /> to "Words of Inspiration" — Councilmember Phan <br /> CITY MANAGER COMMENTS <br /> COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> AB1234 DISCLOSURE — If the City paid for travel or other expenses this is the time for <br /> members of the Council to provide a brief oral report on attendance of any regional board or <br /> commission meeting or any conference, meeting or event attended. <br /> ADJOURNMENT—Adjourn the City Council meeting and convene to the Housing Authority <br /> meeting. <br /> Future Items <br /> 1. Mental Health Mobile Outreach Services <br /> 2. Housing Element Update <br /> Page 17 12/21/2021 <br />