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Department(s): Clerk of the Council Office <br /> Recommended Action: Approve minutes. (Please refer to agenda Item #9 in the City <br /> Council meeting agenda) <br /> 5. Minutes from the Housing Authority Meeting of November 2, 2021 <br /> Department(s): Clerk of the Council Office <br /> Recommended Action: Approve minutes. (Please refer to agenda Item #11 in the <br /> City Council meeting agenda) <br /> 6. Minutes from the Special Housing Authority Meeting of November 16, 2021 <br /> Department(s): Clerk of the Council Office <br /> Recommended Action: Approve minutes. (Please refer to agenda#13 in the City <br /> Council meeting agenda) <br /> 7. Minutes from the Housing Authority Meeting of December 7, 2021 <br /> Department(s): Clerk of the Council Office <br /> Recommended Action: Approve minutes. (Please refer to agenda Item #15 in the <br /> City Council meeting agenda) <br /> **END OF CONSENT CALENDAR** <br /> I BUSINESS CALENDAR <br /> JOINT SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND HOUSING AUTHORITY <br /> 8. Housing Successor Annual Report for FY 2020-21 — Low and Moderate Income <br /> Housing Asset Fund <br /> Department(s): Community Development Agency <br /> Recommended Action: Receive and file. <br /> **END OF BUSINESS CALENDAR** <br /> HOUSING AUTHORITY MEMBER COMMENTS <br /> ADJOURNMENT—Adjourn the Special Housing Authority meeting. <br /> Page 19 12/21/2021 <br />