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ypij4AWp�4�a <br />14117BURINAVENUR - LAWNDAL9,0ALIFORNIAa0260(390)9y41200 - FAXt310) <br />aa�w <br />Saplombor4,2019 <br />Rli Raeommnndation In Support of David Vale Design Landseapa Architects,Inc. <br />To Whom It May Co ecomr, <br />The City of fawndaie has celinbamtod wire David VOie Design an twH important park day ["asset <br />prejects in the dis Ind eding the recently completed Hagan park renovation and expansion project, <br />which Included expansion of an vasOng park street doaure, utility relocation and provislon of play <br />arms krcholnet aged 5 to 12 yours old, <br />III additfon, David Volt (Nalgn also Collaborator with the Carter kawndale an Chad. B. Hopper Park, <br />a raw map aomparkresoned and bullt on a formorColffomla Department of Tranemitatten property <br />within the city of !vandals. <br />DVD's team sediment community India at a number of outreach gatherings to design troatWe slid <br />ktiondAbo play areas and mvrgng green traces forbad, readout, <br />(would highly recommend (avoid Year Design to"agency, My canspctlnfarmapon h listed below. <br />Pease contact me foreflner cdcove s (n supportorrhls firm. <br />Sincerely, "DVD's team welcomed <br />bw community input at a number <br />Mike Earn of outreach gatherings <br />Director of CommunityServlaas <br />Cry of kawndale to design creative and <br />f31019134272 <br />interactive play areas and <br />inviting green spaces for both <br />projects." <br />August 22. 2019 <br />RE; Raconlmoada(lor 10 Support of David Vole Design Larol oapo Amhitonlo, Llc, <br />To Wixen it May Concern: <br />The City of Norwalk two aolluhoratud with Daykt Vok Draslgn an second lmpurtanl park <br />tMvoNeunnm promood, Including recently completed murder park planner for Ilarmosl an Psk and <br />Norwalk Park. <br />DVDa team welcomed community Input of whoaoll gatherings to design Course, Interactive <br />play amass and Inviting, green spaces. A community outreach event for I Imamate Park visa <br />treated by DVD which was wail ngmdoJ end partitlpants comnnndad on how woll DVD <br />conducted the mooting Intl pouting information waiting the dasign concepts for the park <br />I wood highly recommend David Voter. Design to soy agmrry. My arntact Ifirmo illon is head <br />below. Ploasa wnlorlma Wr hmhor comments In suppMaf lRla litre. <br />sincerely, "A community outreach event <br />... was well attended and <br />Ghddmes Rohnd° <br />Public l Roes Mnnnger partcipants commended on <br />1602)92g-570 <br />how well DVD conducted <br />the meeting and provided <br />information regarding the <br />LETTER OF RECOMMENDATIONS <br />City of South Gate <br />. _ Parks & Recreation Department <br />co <br />VyuvY.CITVGFSDUTHGATE.ORG <br />'�q*sada+aty/o�r,j,, <br />South 1 <br />Gate <br />Parks Mahe Life Baiter! <br />August 21, 2W9 <br />RE: Recommendation In Support of David Vole Design Landscape Architects, Inc. <br />To Whom It May Concern: <br />David Volz and his team M David Vole Design have provided superior service to the City of South <br />Gate an a variety of projects to improve our parks over the last twelve years. From Master Planning <br />and Community Outreach to providing creative, sustainable and usable designs that enhance our <br />community ,it cvcits our park goers, David Vol. Design has consistently at all expected.., <br />Please feel free to contact me ifyou have arty specific questions or would like additional information. <br />We have had nothing but the best experiences with DVD and would enthusiastically recommend them <br />to anyone looking for atop-qualiTy landscape design Iron for you public project. <br />Sincerer �(//k <br />Paul o nF <br />Directforor ofPararks &Recreation <br />323ams@so and Col <br />padams@soga[ 11l <br />providing <br />and usable' <br />our`com <br />park goers, C <br />September U. 2019 <br />RE: Raoammondation fn 9uppar[n£David Valz Design, <br />Landscape Archilacts, Ino. <br />To Whom It May Com orm <br />Planning <br />(�,,Qach to <br />ns.11 <br />MUHA RKII <br />.wa <br />LNaY1 ramorc€N <br />.ca., <br />rPUillEGn3£F!I <br />porcilUeeife, <br />o—Boma <br />et,re.aooh '. <br />The City of Paramount Collaborated with David Vnlz Design on saarml Important park <br />develujarnenl projects, including recently Completed cares panel park design documents <br />for three of our parks, as wolf as a conceptual design for proposed park amenNas <br />utilizing Southern Ulfornia Edison cSCEys right ofway land, <br />The DVDIs loam We rommal community Input at outreach gelhednys to design creative. <br />Infamcfive play areas, and Inviting green Spaces. <br />DVO has always provided Inc City at Paramount Will, flat puailty, professional service <br />and I MIMI highhy eecornmend David Vole: Design to any agency, My coolant <br />infamratlan Is listed belavv. Please ctrntaol me for further comments In support of this <br />firm at 88iDD. <br />"DVD has always provided <br />CITY 0P PARAry urtr the City of Paramount with <br />high quality professional <br />Adrot'Iannee Fp!l service and I would highly <br />PuhliC W.iirrts Director <br />recommend David Volz <br />desi n concepts for the ark." Design to any agency." <br />