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Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
01/18/2022 Regular & Special SA
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1/18/2022 4:02:40 PM
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1/11/2022 11:20:32 AM
City Clerk
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people who pointed out that facts is irrelevant, inappropriate, and inflammatory and below the <br />standard by which a Mayor of a major City should conduct themselves. <br />The code clearly states that to avoid actual bias or the appearance of possible improprieties, a public <br />official with a disqualifying conflict of interest in a government decision must be prohibited from <br />participating in the decision. <br />The FPPC outlines five types of interests that may result in disqualification. Of these, the "income" <br />interest is clearly met by Ramos. "An individual or an entity from whom the official has received income <br />or promised income aggregating to $500 or more in the previous 12 months." Please see the attached <br />Form 700's filed by Commissioner Ramos. The test goes on to see whether the financial impact of the <br />decision is foreseeable and significant enough to material. In this case, the facts speak for themselves. <br />The amendments to the HOO were significant enough to these entities that they spoke at the Planning <br />Commission hearing, obviously aided Ramos in her preparation of a motion, and then spoke in favor of <br />the amendments at the City Council hearing. If the effect wasn't significant, it would be hard to believe <br />that the only advocates of the amendments to the Ordinance just happened to be entities from whom <br />Commissioner Ramos received income. <br />Potential State Law Violations: <br />The actions of Ramos potential violate Government Code Sections 1090-1097.5. Commissioner <br />Ramos should have recused herself from the hearing on the HOO amendments because she has <br />received income from entities who had a significant interest in the municipal issue. If Ramos <br />had recused herself, the amendments would not have been offered in the same manner and the <br />item would not have passed with a one vote margin. Her participation had a significant impact <br />and effect on the municipal question in which these entities have an interest. <br />2. The City Council and City Attorney erred by not sending the item back to the Planning <br />Commission for a hearing without the disqualified Planning Commissioner. <br />3. City Councilwoman Thai Phan likely violated the code by voting on the HOO due to the number <br />of economically affected clients who are the sources of income to her employer Rutan and <br />Tucker. <br />Potential City of Santa Ana Violations: <br />1. The participation by Commissioner Ramos likely violates Santa Ana Municipal Code section 2- <br />105. First, Ramos should have "absented" [herself] from the room where the meeting was held <br />during debate and voting on the matter. Second, per the code, Ramos should have divulged any <br />"remote interest" before voting. Neither of these occurred and the City Attorney cannot <br />"sweep it all under the rug" by stating that there is no financial interest. This opinion violates <br />the latter part of code section 2-105. <br />2. Councilwoman Thai Phan's participation in the November 16, 2021 hearing likely violated the <br />municipal code requirements discussed above. <br />all <br />
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