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YES: 7 — Bacerra, Hernandez, Lopez, Mendoza, Phan, Penaloza, Sarmiento <br />NO: 0 <br />ABSTAIN: 0 <br />ABSENT:0 <br />Status: 7-0-0-0 —Pass <br />27. Informational Report about Proposed Amendments to the Sunshine Ordinance <br />Department(s): City Manager Office <br />Recommended Action: Accept informational report and provide direction to staff. <br />MINUTES: City Manager Kristine Ridge introduced the item. <br />Management Assistant Daniel Soto provided a brief presentation. <br />Council discussion ensued and provided input to City staff regarding radius size as it pertains <br />to notifications for projects, length of time before agenda is published, and lobbyist language. <br />28. Informational Report regarding the Installation of Rainbow Crosswalks in Downtown <br />Santa Ana <br />Department(s): City Manager Office <br />Recommended Action: Accept informational report and provide direction to staff. <br />MINUTES: City Manager Kristine Ridge introduced the item. <br />Management Assistant Daniel Soto provided a brief presentation. <br />Council discussion ensued and provided input to City staff regarding locations and timing of <br />installation, the colors of the pride mural crosswalk, and obtaining input from the Arts & <br />Culture Commission. <br />29. Approve the $80,012,101 Revive Santa Ana Spending Plan and Appropriate Federal <br />American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding <br />Continued from the July 6, 2021 City Council Meeting. <br />Department(s): City Manager Office <br />Recommended Action: 1. Approve the $80,012,101 Revive Santa Ana Spending <br />Plan to protect and revive our community as we emerge from the impacts of the <br />COVID-19 pandemic. <br />2. Approve an appropriation adjustment (#2021-212) of $64,180,000 to authorize <br />spending from the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) for various <br />expenditures to recover from COVID-19, including authorization for the City Manager <br />to move appropriated money between spending plan line items to reflect evolving <br />federal guidelines and individual program popularity. (Requires five affirmative votes) <br />MINUTES: City Manager Kristine Ridge provided a brief presentation. <br />City Council 16 7/20/2021 <br />