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subject to non -substantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney. <br />4. Direct the City Attorney to finalize and authorize the City Manager to enter into <br />negotiations, execute agreements, and approve any other required actions necessary <br />with various service providers, contractors, and sub -recipients, who will support the <br />Housing Authority to issue and lease the eighty-nine Emergency Housing Vouchers, <br />subject to non -substantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney. <br />Moved by Councilmember Hernandez, seconded by Councilmember Lopez to <br />Approve. <br />YES: 7 — Bacerra, Hernandez, Lopez, Mendoza, Phan, Penaloza, Sarmiento <br />NO: 0 <br />ABSTAIN: 0 <br />ABSENT:0 <br />Status: 7-0-0-0 —Pass <br />COUNCILMEMBER REQUESTED ITEMS <br />32. Discuss and Consider Directing the City Manager to Direct City Staff to Draft an <br />Ordinance that Would Impose a Fine Equivalent to the Median Rent of a Two - <br />Bedroom Apartment in Santa Ana on Property Owners Who Rent Unpermitted <br />Residential Units and Unpermitted Spaces for Residential Purposes. The fine would <br />be Payable to the City of Santa Ana to be Distributed to the Persons Who Occupied <br />the Unpermitted Units or Spaces — Councilmember Bacerra <br />MINUTES: Council discussion ensued and direction provided to staff to bring back matter <br />as an informational item with additional detail. <br />After consideration of Item 32, Mayor Sarmiento recessed the City Council meeting and <br />convened to the Joint Session of the City Council and Special Housing Authority to consider <br />Item 31 and Item 3 as placed on the respective agendas at 10:54 p.m. <br />Mayor Sarmiento recessed the Joint Session of the City Council and Special Housing <br />Authority meeting and convened to the Special Housing Authority at 10:57 p.m. to consider <br />the Consent Calendar items on the Special Housing Authority agenda. <br />CITY MANAGER COMMENTS <br />MINUTES: Chair Sarmiento adjourned the Special Housing Authority meeting and reconvened to <br />the City Council meeting at 10:59 p.m. to consider City Manager Comments and Council Comments. <br />City Manager Kristine Ridge congratulated the Water Resource Division for winning the Smart Cities <br />North American Award for the Advanced Water Metering Project. Announced that Public Works <br />Agency is hosting a zoom virtual workshop for all city business that are interested in participating in <br />getting contracts with the city, Thursday, July 22, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.. Lastly, Santa Ana Active Streets <br />is doing their summer series bike rides called Sassy Thursdays. <br />City Council 19 7/20/2021 <br />