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Mayor Sarmiento closed the public hearing at 11:00 p.m. <br />Council discussion ensued and provided direction to city staff. <br />This Business Item — Urgency Ordinance No. NS-3013 was approved. <br />Mayor Sarmiento recessed the City Council meeting and convened to the Special <br />Housing Authority meeting at 11:06 p.m. <br />Moved by Mayor Pro Tern Bacerra, seconded by Councilmember Penaloza to <br />Adopt. <br />YES: 7 — Hernandez, Lopez, Mendoza, Penaloza, Phan, Bacerra, Sarmiento <br />NO: 0 <br />ABSTAIN: 0 <br />ABSENT:0 <br />Status: 7-0-0-0 —Pass <br />COUNCILMEMBER REQUESTED ITEMS <br />43. Discuss and Consider Directing City Manager to Direct Staff to Introduce an <br />Ordinance for a Ban on the Use, Possession and Sale of All Fireworks — <br />Councilmembers Phan, Mendoza and Mayor Pro Tern Bacerra <br />MINUTES: Mayor Sarmiento recessed the Special Housing Authority meeting and <br />reconvened to the Council meeting at 11:09 p.m. <br />Councilmember Phan requested information regarding the cost of firework related <br />enforcement, street sweeping, waste removal and if available the air quality impact. <br />As well as the research of alternative ways to subsidize the funds nonprofits would <br />lose as a result of the ban of firework sales. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Bacerra request staff research alternative ways to help Santa Ana <br />based nonprofits recover potential lost funds due to the ban of firework sales. <br />Council discussion ensued and direction provided to staff to pursue through the <br />Charter Ad Hoc committee and let the voters decide. <br />City Council 23 12/21/2021 <br />