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Assembly Bill 361 <br />Department(s): Clerk of the Council Office <br />Recommended Action: Resolution No. 2022-XXX—Adopt resolution to consider <br />continuing the use of teleconferencing for the meetings of City Council and all boards, <br />committees, and Commissions pursuant to the provisions of Assembly Bill 361 for the <br />next 30 days. <br />MINUTES: This consent Item - Resolution No. 2022-004 was approved. <br />Moved by Mayor Pro Tern Bacerra, seconded by Councilmember Mendoza to <br />Approve Consent Calendar items 5-28 with the exception of 13, and <br />24. Councilmember Phan recused herself from items 15 and 20 due to a conflict of <br />interest and out an abundance of caution. <br />YES: 7 — Hernandez, Councilmember, — Lopez, Councilmember, — Mendoza, <br />Councilmember, — Penaloza, Councilmember, — Phan, Councilmember, — Bacerra, Mayor <br />Pro Tem, — Sarmiento, Mayor <br />NO: 0 <br />ABSTAIN: 0 <br />ABSENT:0 <br />Status: 7 — 0-0-0— Pass <br />**END OF CONSENT CALENDAR** <br />BUSINESS CALENDAR <br />29. Review the City Council Standing Subcommittees Interest List and Appoint Members <br />Department(s): Clerk of the Council Office <br />Recommended Action: Review the City Council Standing Subcommittees interest <br />list and appoint members to serve as representatives to the Public Safety and <br />Homelessness Standing Subcommittee and the Legislative Standing Subcommittee <br />through December 2022 per Resolution No. 2021-089. <br />Moved by Mayor Pro Tern Bacerra, seconded by Councilmember Penaloza to <br />Appoint Mayor Pro Tern Bacerra, Councilmember Hernandez and <br />Councilmember Mendoza to the Public Safety and Homelessness Standing <br />Subcommittee; and appoint Mayor Sarmiento, Councilmember Lopez, and <br />Councilmember Penaloza to the Legislative Standing Subcommittee. <br />City Council 15 1/18/2022 <br />