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Orozco, Norma <br /> From: Orozco, Norma <br /> Sent: Monday, March 07, 2022 1:43 PM <br /> To: eComment <br /> Subject: RE: Apoyo al mapa SARC 1 <br /> Google Translate: <br /> Mr. Mayor and Council of the City of Santa Ana, California. I am Margot Diaz and I am a resident of Santa Ana for 22 <br /> years. We would like to make a long list of what we need but we want more security, more affordable rents, parks and <br /> ask you to support the MAP SARC on behalf of our community. <br /> -----Original Message----- <br /> From: Margot Diaz<> <br /> Sent: Monday, March 07, 2022 1:08 PM <br /> To: eComment<> <br /> Subject:Apoyo al mapa SARC 1 <br /> Senor Alcalde y consejo de la Ciudad de Santa Ana, California. Soy Margot Diaz y soy residente de Santa Ana por 22 anos <br /> quisieramos hacer una larga lista de to que nesesitamos pero queremos mas seguridad, rentas mas accesibles, parques <br /> y pedirles que apoyen en nombre de nuestra comunidad el MAPA SARC 1 . <br /> Enviado desde mi iPhone <br /> i <br />