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11. Notwithstanding the provisions of Civil Code section 1542, each party hereby <br />irrevocably and unconditionally releases and forever discharges each other party and each <br />and all of its officers, agents, directors, supervisors, employees, representatives, insurance <br />companies, any subsidiaries or affiliates of said insurance companies, attorneys, successors <br />and assigns and all persons acting by, through, under, or in concert with each other party <br />from any and all charges, complaints, claims, and liabilities of any kind or nature <br />whatsoever, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected (hereinafter referred to as "claim" <br />or "claims") which each releasing party at any time heretofore had or claimed to have or <br />which each releasing party at any time hereafter may have or claim to have, incidental to the <br />incident(s) which form the basis of the Action. <br />12. Each person signing below represents that he/she has reviewed all aspects of this <br />Agreement, that the Agreement has been carefully read and fully explained to them and that they <br />understand every provision of this Agreement, that they understand that in agreeing to this <br />document they are releasing each party hereby from any and all claims they may have against each <br />party released, that they voluntarily agree to all the terms set forth in this Agreement, that they <br />knowingly and willingly intend to be legally bound by the same, that they were given the <br />opportunity to consider the terms of this Agreement and discussed them with legal counsel. Each <br />party hereby warrants that they have the authority to enter into this Agreement and bind the party <br />for whose benefit they execute this Agreement. <br />13. The Parties hereto represent and acknowledge that in executing this Agreement they do not <br />rely and have not relied upon any representation or statement made by any of the Parties or by any of <br />the Parties' agents, attorneys, or representatives with regard to the subject matter, basis, or effect of <br />this Agreement or otherwise, other than those specifically stated in this Agreement. <br />14. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties hereto and upon their heirs, <br />administrators, representatives, executors, predecessors, successors, and assigns, and shall inure to <br />the benefit of said Parties and each of them and to their heirs, administrators, representatives, <br />executors, predecessors, successors, and assigns. <br />15. Should any provision of this Agreement be declared or be determined by any court of <br />competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the legality, validity, and <br />enforceability of the remaining parts, terms, or provisions shall not be affected thereby, and said <br />illegal, unenforceable, or invalid part, term, or provision shall be deemed not to be a part of this <br />Agreement. <br />16. This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement between the Parties hereto and fully <br />supersedes any and all prior agreements or understandings, written or oral, between the Parties hereto <br />pertaining to the subject matter hereof. <br />17. This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the plain meaning of its terms and <br />not strictly for or against any of the Parties hereto. <br />[CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE] <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />