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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO.: 18-6918 <br />MAIN ST & 15TH ST TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION <br />FEDERAL PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5063 (189) <br />REOli1RED CONTRACT PROVISIONS <br />FEDERAL -AID CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS <br />L General <br />IL Nondiscrinlre0on <br />III. Nmsegmgoied FadNiles <br />N. Devlaeacon and Related Act Provision <br />V, ConlroctWo rk Hours and SafeW Inndards Ad <br />Provisions <br />VI. Subbfting or Assigning the Contract <br />VII. Safety: Accident Prevention <br />Vlil False Slalanods Concerning Highway Prolocfs <br />IX. Implements Dan of Cleen Air Ad and Fademl Water <br />Pollution Control Ad <br />X. Compliance wAh GovemmmaNde Suspension and <br />Dobaumonl Regdromwts <br />XI. Certification Regarding Use of Contract Finds for <br />Lobbying <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />A. Emplay nenl and Malerlels Preference for Appaiechion <br />Development 11191tway System orAppoIndaan Local Access <br />Road Contracts (included in Appoleddan contracts only) <br />1. GENERAL <br />1. Farm FHWA-1273 must be physically Incorporated In each <br />construction codraclfunded underTi0a 23 (excbdng <br />emergency contracts ad* intended fordebds mmovalJ The <br />contractor (or sdnconlmcbm) must msen [his form In each <br />scbconlracl and fudier require Its Inclusion In dl barer 11er <br />subcontrmrs(oxcluding purchoso orders, rwinlagrwmenis <br />and other agreements for suppilasor sortast <br />Tha appkabb requirements ofFoml FMVA-1273 am <br />Incorpmated by reference for work done under my pu c hasp <br />Order. moral agreement or ngreemonl fa other serview. The <br />prime cmlmclor shall be msposslble for complance by any <br />eubmntmbr, IDW41a subcontractor or service pro+Mw <br />Foam FHWA-1273 must be Included In ag Federal -rid design <br />build contracts, In air subconlmclsond In b:mr Tier <br />submntacts (excluding subcontracts for design madras, <br />pumhase orders, rental agreements and othaagrwmentzfor <br />sufplas or services). The desigobdrdashel be rosponoble <br />(a cif Bare byany subcontractor, boa -Oar subcadrmlor <br />or service provider. <br />Coniroclh0 agencies may reference Form FFNNA-1273 in bid <br />proiwesl W Mgmd lot ploposal danamONS. hoeover, US <br />Fenn FHWA•1273 must be phyukaAy Incoryomled (not <br />mfaanced) In of contracts, subcontracts and hnwervtior <br />srbcorbacts (au:luding purchase oders, meat agean@nls <br />and after agreements far suppNM Orsavlces related to a <br />conslmctloncontract). <br />2. Sutowl tope applcabIDy afierte noted In the following <br />sections, them conlrocl prwislons shall apply to 01 Work <br />performed on Ire contract by the codraclofs own organization <br />and wlh the asdstanco of workers under he contractors <br />Innmedble superintendence and to al work performed on he <br />contract byptecowak, station work, or by subcontract <br />FhWA-1273 -- Revised May t, 2012 <br />3. A broach or an'y of the sllpulaflo s contained In these <br />Required Contract Provictors may be autSdent gmurds for <br />whh haAlIng of progress payments, wlll"Iding of Mal <br />Payment. lonnhnlbn of the contract, wspondm / debanarml <br />or any other action ddema ed to be apprgxlale by the <br />00nfmc6rg agency and FIIWA. <br />4. Solecllonol labor. During th8inalm mcn, of this contract, <br />the codroctorsholl not use com4ct bbo (many pu"w <br />within the limas of a somlrmlm project an a Fedemi•old <br />highway unless It Is labor pedormed by convicts who am on <br />pads, si peMsed Mease, or probation. The lean Fedem"id <br />highvmy does not Include roadways functionally classified as <br />local emds or mral an Imr carbclors. <br />II. NONDISCRIMINATION <br />The previsions dllhh sectlon rdatod to 23 CFR Pad 230 ere <br />MOcablo to oiFedaal mid consbuclon eonlmds and tool <br />mletudoonstmclionwbcmtmctsd$10,000«mom. The <br />Pmvoiom of 23 CFR Port 230 am ml applcablo to matmtol <br />supply, enumeedng, ormcllledumi service contracts. <br />In addid(K he contractor and al a tacontmclorsmuslcoroly <br />with the following policies: Executive Order I t246, 41 CFR 60, <br />29 CFR 1625.1627, T09 23 USC Section 140, the <br />Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 USC 791). Title VI <br />of the CNN Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and related <br />regulations Including 49 CFR Pans 21, 26 and 27; and 23 CFR <br />Pants 200, 230, and 633, <br />The conbaclorand ell subcmtmctas mustmmply with: the <br />mqukemants of the Equal Opportunity Clause In 41 CFR 60 <br />1.4(b) aid, for IN corebuction ceabocis ancemiig $10,000, <br />Ina Standard Federal Equal Employment Opportunity <br />Ca Drudbn Contact SPedlcalors In 41 CFR 604.3. <br />NOW The US Department of Labe has exclusive oulihorgy to <br />deblmine compliance wan Examtlm Order 11246 end he <br />policies d the Secretary of Labor Including 41 CFR 60, and 29 <br />CFR 1625-1627. The contracting agency and the FHWA have <br />the eutlamlly and the mWoeblNy to ensure complanco will, <br />Title 23 USC Section 140, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as <br />amended (29 USC 794), and Tit@ M d the Chit Rights Ad of <br />1954, as amended, and Mated regutdaus Imlur ng 49 CFR <br />Nkrts 21. 26 and 27; and 23 CFR Pads 200, 230, and 633, <br />The folbwbg pmvlstm Is adopted fron 23 CFR 230, Appendu <br />A, wllh appropriate fMMons to coniorm to the U.S. <br />D(parhnent of Lab% (US DOL) and FHWA requkanenis, <br />1. Equal EmploymenlOpportunlly: Equal empbymwt <br />oppoluuly (EEO) requirements nor to disaintkete and to lake <br />I ffenative D OW to assure equal opportunity as sot lath <br />under leas, exemUw orders, rules, regulators (26 CFR 35, <br />29 CFR 16X 29 CFR 1625-1627, 41 CFR 60 and 49 CFR 27) <br />and orders of the Secretary of Labor as modified by the <br />Provisions presabod heroin. and Imposed pumuad to 23 <br />US.C. 140 shin eonslilute the EEO and specik dlkmalNe <br />scion standards for the contractors pojocl actMlw under <br />P-19 of P-52 <br />