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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO.: 18-6918 <br />MAIN ST & 15TH ST TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION <br />FEDERAL PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5063 (189) <br />ATTACHMENT A- EMPLOYMENT AND MATERIALS <br />O. Tlocorafaclashallickdo lhupnovislonsol Seclorai <br />PREFERENCE FOR APPALACHIANDEVELOPMENT <br />Ilmugh4 of this Attachment A In ovary submnlmciforml; <br />HIGHWAY SYSTEM OR APPALACHIAN LOCAL ACCESS <br />which is, ormosonady maybe. donoason-seework. <br />ROAD CONTRACTS <br />This pmvlsmn Is applicable to at Fademl-aid projects hi Berl <br />order the Appalachan Regional Development Act of e9S5, <br />I. Wring the pafo manes of this contract, the contractor <br />undertaking lodowwk vfikhis, arreosonebly may be, dare <br />m onapo work, shot 00 prafaaace to qualified Pomona who <br />regularly realde h he labor area as designated by the DOL <br />whemin tho contractwork is situated, or Iho subregion, "the <br />Appalachian counties or the Stole wherein the mdrod wok is <br />situated. except: <br />a. To the eNanl (tot quegfiod persona regularly residing in <br />the arse am M available. <br />b. Fa the reasonable roods of the conbactor to nnploy <br />supervisory or specially experienced Personnel necessary to <br />assure an of Want execution of ho commd work_ <br />c. For the obligation d ono wrimdor to oler employment to <br />pmwfd a former employees as ha malt of a IoMul calective <br />baganrg mnhacL provided thallhe rumberof nauesdent <br />paeans empmyed under grlc subpaagaph (lie) shad rwt <br />axceod 20 pomonlef lhs tololmmba of ompbyoos omptoyod <br />bylha contractor on Ihecordmd nark, excepl m pmvmed in <br />subp®mgraph (4) boluw <br />2. The "tract" "I place a job order lwlh fheState <br />labEmployment Sor4aNnd+after our) the ales equked t m Iho <br />the WAVrers. mmork. (bos ait Mar ompoyeelGyaos ed to perform <br />Ind dassrlwork,N)No numb a vompleyeportc mrlm <br />each dassi9calbn, (cJ the data on w/hkh lire peAcipant <br />mtmalos such ompoyoos I be requited, ad(dj any other <br />Pa WonI mfomnadon,Mau ad by the State Employment <br />Service to complain the 0 order form. The job order may m <br />placed %An the state Employment SoNka In writing a try <br />telephone, 11 during the course of he contract work, the <br />infatuation submlmd by fins contractor m the originaljob erdef <br />15 subsmnfalty modified. thapaitripant shot prontpgy Golly <br />Me State Employment Service. <br />3. The contmaor shot give fill commdemfiah o at qualified <br />lib applicants wilfmd lohm by the State Empfoymal <br />SaNce. The mntmclorisnol required Ingram employmerdto <br />ay )Cb oppllmnts who, minis oplmaL nfo hit qualiied to <br />pedomi the classification of work required, <br />4.1f, wehm onewaek folowmg he placing d a jab hider by <br />Iho oomraclor wMl lho Slate Employment Serrlco, the Slate <br />Employment Service is unable to mfor any qualified job <br />applicants to theconhactor, or less than the number <br />requested, the Stale Employment Service will fonmm a <br />carllicate to the conhactorindicalig he unavailability of <br />applicants. Such certificate shot be made a port of the <br />corimaofsponnumarl project i mras. Uponmceyt oohs <br />coNficolo, the contmclormay employ persons who do not <br />normally msdo In the labor am to 111 positions covered by the <br />cwl4mlo, notvndhslanding he pruv"m of subparagraph (Ic) <br />above. <br />5. The pmvlsbm d 23 CFRB33,207(e) aiwv he <br />contracting agency, to Previte a mntrachsl prdorence for the <br />use of minaret resource materials native to the Appalachia <br />region <br />P-30 of P-52 <br />