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8 City Net <br />2021»2022 Santa Ana Homeless Street Outreach Diversion Pilot Scope of Work <br />Pallverghloa (see endnotes for descriptions of terms below) <br />City Not will provide street outreach and engagement services to 9,000 (duplicated) homeless neighbors <br />In Santa Ana, with 750 (unduplicated) persons linked to shelter and housing. <br />or1'd <br />Waal aal <br />5,250a <br />amants^500 <br />jo750tacts� <br />9500s <br />atchad <br />500 <br />3,50q <br />Case Mangnt4 <br />40 <br />280 <br />StreetEkltd" <br />60 <br />420 <br />TIMM of services <br />City Net street outreach services Include services in the following categories; engagement services, case <br />management, emergency health, emergency mental health, transportation, services for special <br />populations, and COVID•19 services, <br />These activities are Intended to help homeless neighbors obtain appropriate supportive services, <br />Including assistance in obtaining permanent housing, medical health treatment, mental health <br />treatment, counseling, supervision, and other services essential for achieving Independent living, <br />Supportive services may Include providing access to and assistance in obtaining, <br />a Medicaid/Med6Cal <br />a Women, Infants and Children (WIC) <br />a Food Stamps/Cal-Fresh/EBT <br />a Federal -State Unemployment Insurance Program <br />a Social Security Disability insurance (SSDI) <br />a Supplemental Security Income (SSI) <br />a General Relief (GR) <br />a Other mainstream resources such as housing, health, social services, employment, education <br />services and youth programs that an Individual or family may be eligible to receive. <br />€ngagementservlces <br />Engagement Services are activities to locate, Identify, and build relationships with unsheltered homeless <br />Individuals to offer Immediate support, intervention, and connections with homeless assistance <br />programs and/or mainstream social services and other housing programs, Specific activities include: <br />a Conducting an Initial assessment of citent needs and eligibility <br />a providing Informal crisis counseling <br />a Addressing urgent physical needs, such as providing meals, blankets, clothes, or toiletries <br />a Actively connecting and providing Information and referrals to needed services. <br />City Not — Local Field Office: 2030 E, 4th Street, Santa Ana, CA 92705 <br />