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Orozco, Norma <br />From: Fernando Delgado <> <br />Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2022 9:27 PM <br />To: eComment <br />Subject: Please end Santa Ana's discriminatory Residential Permit Parking Program <br />Santa Ana Public Comment email, <br />Dear City Councilmembers, Mayor Sarmiento, and Public Works, <br />I am a homeowner here at Hillview Regency Condominiums located in Ward 3. My fellow <br />residents and I have struggled for many years with the permit parking program that surrounds <br />our condos. The complex where we live was built in the 1960s, and the existing parking <br />infrastructure is insufficient for the amount of cars registered here. Our residents were once <br />able to park in the surrounding streets when it was necessary, but ever since the permit <br />parking program was implemented in our neighborhood (2005), it has become more and <br />more difficult to find available parking. <br />Our residents are regularly cited for parking on the streets that surround us. Several families <br />simply sold their homes and left over the years because the dilemma was so unbearable. It <br />has only gotten worse as time has passed. <br />Our HOA is currently in the process of establishing more on -site parking, but it is a very <br />lengthy and costly process, and there is no guarantee that the project will provide enough <br />spaces to meet our needs. <br />If the permit parking program is to continue in our city, we ask that the public works <br />department make allowances for residents of our complex to purchase our own permits to <br />park on the neighborhood streets so that we too can come home and not have to fret over <br />where we will leave our vehicles over night. <br />We wish to see the city's permit parking resolution updated to ensure all Santa Ana residents <br />are treated equitably. Thank you. <br />31 <br />