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California Newspaper Service Bureau© <br />Daily Journal Corporation <br />Public Notice Advertising Since 1934 <br />Tel 1-800-788-7840 a Fax 1-800474-9444 <br />Loral Oliiees antl Represenu,ices in: <br />NOTICE OF PUBLIC H EAR] NG <br />L- , Angdws Smu Ana. San DkguR..enide'Sa. Oernaivliru, <br />BEFORE TH E CITY COUNCIL OF TH E CITY <br />San Francisco. Oakland. San loac. 5arrvncnln <br />OF SANTA ANA, CA. <br />Special SoM,c ,:leailahlc in Phon,is <br />US Department of Housing and Urban <br />Development Community Planning and <br />Development Programs <br />DRAFT CONSOLIDATED <br />ANNUAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION <br />REPORT (CAPER) FOR FISCAL YEAR <br />1019-2020 <br />DECLARATION <br />The l,lnnsnCOy of Santa Ana'encoutag s the eP <br />I am a resident of Los Angeles County, over the age <br />of eighteen years and not a party to any or interested in the <br />matter noticed. <br />The notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy <br />appeared in the: <br />ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER <br />On the following dates: <br />November 17, 2020 <br />on Spectrum channel 3 and <br />I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the <br />Ho TTp Make Comments _ CnPles of the latest draft <br />of the CAPER will be available for Public review at the <br />following location: m1Ps://www.5pnta-ana.or9/cd <br />foregoing is true and correct. <br />The public IS invited to submit written comments on <br />the <br />CAPER. All comments relative to the CAPER <br />should <br />be submitted to the City of Santo Ana, Com- <br />munity <br />Development Department no later than C110 <br />Ann., on December 1, 2020. <br />Dated at Los Angeles, California, this <br />Questions and written comments regarding the CA- <br />PER and Action Plan Amendment may be addressed <br />to Mr. David Flores, Community Development Ana- <br />17th day of November 2020 <br />IYsL Community Development Agency at 20 Civic Cen- <br />ter Plaza, Santo Ana, CA 92701. You may also call <br />(714) 647-6561 with any questions concerning the CA- <br />PER. <br />Due to the COVI D-19, Cauntll meetings can only be at- <br />tended remotelY. City Council meetings are televised! <br />Channel <br />nwww <br />antl T&T U-verse chaninel99 or streameed lichannel <br />e of <br />.Youtube,canYOityafsanl9anavideosmveS"ni5h audio <br />can be heard of httP://5anloana.gronlcus.mMMetlloP <br />lanbe heard athffp:Z/ <br />I!A <br />Members of the public can submit comments via <br />emollof at ecomments,?r�gmt" by 4:00pm the <br />day the meeting, lolnim; the teleconference by call- <br />Ing M9.900.91211 (ID: 315A65-1 d9), or by Iolning the <br />zoom wguider at hftps:/Ns02wM eb.zoom.us159&9149. <br />Signature <br />At thls meeting, the City Council will iodinate a public <br />Debbie Yerkes <br />hezmittafftGool,CPERthat Is toubpifn he 1I nn_.0 <br />It Is melntentlon of the City to comply with <br />3416040 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, us am <br />*The only public Notice which isjuslijinble <br />from the standpoint of tithe ecommmy and the public inte, est. <br />is that which reaches those who are gllected by it" <br />Rea.. DJn5D9Re Innm 11111111111111111 IN 11111111111111111111111111111111 <br />,5 A 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 8 6 5 3 4 <br />as <br />