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POLICY FRAMEWORK <br />POLICY EP-1.1 <br />PROTECT INDUSTRIAL <br />Protect industrial uses that provide quality job <br />opportunities, including middle -income jobs; provide <br />for secondary employment and supporting uses; and <br />maintain areas where smaller emerging industrial uses <br />can locate in a multitenant setting. <br />Eq S <br />POLICY EP-1.2 <br />ATTRACT BUSINESS <br />Strengthen and expand citywide business attraction <br />efforts in order to achieve the city's full employment <br />potential. <br />Eq S <br />POLICY EP-1.3 <br />LIVING -WAGE EMPLOYMENT <br />Promote new and retain existing job -producing businesses <br />that provide living -wage employment opportunities. <br />Eq S <br />POLICY EP-1.4 <br />JOB SKILLS <br />Pursue available financial and tax incentives to improve <br />residents' employment skills and workforce preparation. <br />Eq Ed <br />POLICY EP-1.5 <br />ACCESS THROUGH EDUCATION <br />Support education and employment training on a <br />citywide basis to improve access to higher -wage and <br />emerging occupations. <br />Eq Ed <br />too <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA GENERAL PLAN <br />POLICY EP-1.6 <br />COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH <br />Collaborate with chambers of commerce, educational <br />institutions, and other partners to prepare residents to <br />seek and thrive in current and emerging employment <br />environments. <br />Ed <br />POLICY EP-1.7 <br />TARGETED RESOURCES <br />Target business attraction and retention resources to <br />firms with high positive net revenue implications for local <br />government, particularly those engaged in business -to - <br />business taxable sales transactions. <br />15 <br />POLICY EP-1.8 <br />GROWING TAX BASE <br />Collaborate with the chambers of commerce to promote <br />fiscal stability and growth of sales tax and employment <br />generating businesses in the city. <br />POLICY EP-1.9 <br />AVOID CONFLICT OF USES <br />Avoid potential land use conflicts by prohibiting the <br />location of sensitive receptors and noxious land uses in <br />close proximity. <br />H I Eq S <br />POLICY EP-1.10 <br />CREATIVE CLASS <br />Target the attraction of arts and culture related industries <br />to create jobs, attract investments, and stimulate the <br />local economy through tourism. <br />