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5. Proclamation presented by Councilmember Penaloza and Councilmember Phan <br /> declaring April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month. <br /> STAFF PRESENTATIONS <br /> 6. Homelessness Update <br /> MINUTES: City Manager Kristine Ridge provided a brief presentation. <br /> Council discussion ensued and comments provided to staff. <br /> Councilmember Lopez requested a copy of all invoices paid of all services regarding <br /> Carnegie Centre and cost amendments regarding the shelter. Requested to meet <br /> with Homelessness Services Manager, requested the original project budget <br /> documents. <br /> Councilmember Penaloza requested information from staff in regards to new state <br /> funding for individuals regarding court order care for individuals with mental health <br /> and addiction issues. <br /> CLOSED SESSION REPORT—The City Attorney will report on any action(s) from Closed <br /> Session. <br /> MINUTES: City Attorney Sonia Carvalho stated there was no reportable action. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT — Public comments will be held during the beginning of the meeting for <br /> ALL comments on agenda and non-agenda items, with the exception of public hearings. <br /> Comments for public hearings will take place after the hearing is opened. <br /> MINUTES: Ivana Unger spoke on closed session item 3. <br /> Communications Director of Chispa Hector Bustos spoke on item 38 and urged council to <br /> support the ad hoc committees recommended and prepare ordinance police oversight <br /> board. <br /> Delilah Snell spoke on the Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA) Street Car project. <br /> Expressed concern on a past event that took place on Third and Bush and requested no <br /> future event permits to take place while OCTA construction is taking place. Invited council <br /> to attend a town hall meeting involving all the downtown merchants on Friday, April 8, 2022. <br /> Laura Mown with Santiago Springs Homeowners Association spoke and expressed <br /> concern with a reduction on the graffiti budget. Provided suggestions on ways to reduce <br /> graffiti. Expressed concern with the types of retail businesses on south Bristol Street. <br /> Requested that council and staff be mindful of where certain types of business are <br /> established. <br /> City Council 611 — 6 5/3/2022 <br />