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EXHIBIT 3 <br /> Projects in Pre-Development <br /> Crossroads at Washington — 1126 and 1146 E. Washington Avenue <br /> Aug 19 Submitted PSH application to County <br /> Oct 19 Submitted for Planning entitlements <br /> Oct 19 Community meeting <br /> Nov 19 Approval of Joint Powers Agreement, Option to Ground Lease, Voucher <br /> Resolution and Cooperation Agreement, and Regional Housing Needs <br /> Assessment (RHNA) Agreement and Density Bonus <br /> Dec 19 NEPA EA City Approval — City of Santa Ana submits NEPA EA to HUD <br /> Feb 20 PSH Funds and Voucher approval from County Board of Supervisors <br /> Feb 20 Planning entitlements approved <br /> Mar 20 TCAC 9% Application — 1st Round 2020 <br /> Jul 20 TCAC FCAA/9% Application — 2nd Round 2020 <br /> Oct 20 TCAC FCAA/9% Award — 2nd Round 2020 <br /> Mar 21 Submitted OCHFT PSH NOFA Application <br /> May 21 OCHFT PSH NOFA Award <br /> Dec 21 Submit DTSC Equitable Community Revitalization Grant (ECRG) Pre-Qualifying <br /> Application <br /> Feb 22 Submit for 1st plan check <br /> Mar 22 DTSC approves draft Removal Action Workplan; draft Removal <br /> Implementaion Plan under review <br /> Apr 22 DTSC ECRG Full Application <br /> Jun 22 DTSC ECRG Award <br /> Jun 22 City issues permit ready letter <br /> Jun 22 Start construction <br /> Oct 23 Construction complete <br /> Feb 23 Full occupancy <br /> FX Residences — 801, 809, 809 % E. Santa Ana Boulevard <br /> Jan 19 Council approval for land lease and project funding <br /> Jan 19 Submittal of application for NPLH funding <br /> Feb 19 Confirm with City staff that project site can yield additional units under <br /> existing zoning <br /> Mar 19 Revise conceptual drawings for additional 5 units (17 total units, up from the <br /> original 12 units) <br /> Mar 19 SNHP funding application submitted to County <br /> Apr 19 City staff to review revised conceptual design <br /> Apr 19 Begin development agreement <br /> May19 Board of Supervisors meeting for SNHP funding <br /> Jul 19 Execute Development Agreement <br /> Jul 19 Formal awards letters for NPLH funding to be issued <br /> Aug19 Initial planning submittal <br /> Sept19 Sunshine Ordinance Meeting <br /> Mar 21 Planning Commission Meeting (ministerial approval of density bonus) <br /> Oct 21 Submit for first plan check <br /> City Council 6 — 13 5/3/2022 <br />