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Describe the The Art and Mental Health Awareness Exhibition would benefit the <br />community benefits Santa Ana community and residents in many ways. First, the <br />of this event exhibition brings art and mental health together. Our nonprofit Is <br />dedicated to leading artists with adversity to success and spreading <br />empathy through art. In this exhibition, the community will learn <br />about art Influencing mental health and vice versa. Art In Its creation <br />Is a form of therapy and releases thoughts that words cannot <br />express. Marina Braff, MFT, will share with residents how art can be a <br />healthy way to release stress, anxiety and depression. It also allows <br />an audience to feel and see what a person is experiencing, helping <br />people relate to one another much more effectively. Second, <br />International art teacher Elham Sarvi will lead an art creation course <br />during the exhibition. Children and adults can feel and experience <br />how art is a form of therapy, and also learn how to make art with usl <br />Third, we will feature local Orange County and national artists. This <br />allows Santa Ana residents to experience the art scene nationally, <br />which is lacking in Santa Ana. Residents can see how New York, <br />Charlotte and Detroit artists are expressing themselves (7 in total), <br />which makes art accessible and creates further inspiration for our <br />unknown local artists. We will have affordable art where residents <br />can purchase and transform their spaces, while spreading the <br />mission of empathy. Fourth, we want to find more local artists to <br />mentor and share with the world! This would be the perfect location <br />to find artists. We chose Chapter One because of its accessibility, <br />location and deep roots with the community. Chapter One has perfect <br />outdoor space and a private room that can keep the art safe and <br />accessible. Chapter One offers food created by local and organic <br />ingredients. It is a reliable, trusted location that anyone in the <br />community can park for free and attend. Before choosing Chapter <br />One, we called many cafes, museums and spaces. The spaces and <br />locations were either permanently shut down or did not respond after <br />multiple calls, emails and visits. We are excited for the opportunity to <br />host this event and make a big difference our the Santa Ana <br />community. <br />Amount Requested 875.0 <br />-Proposed Use of We will need $250 for the speakers. Our speaks will include our <br />Funds resident therapy, Marina Braff MFT. Her discounted rate Is $175.00 for <br />the event. We will need art supplies to have our local art teacher, <br />Elham Sarv!, to lead the very interactive part of teaching art and <br />having Santa Ana residents create their own masterpieces, free of <br />charge. Estimated cost for art supplies (art paper, paint, paint <br />brushes, crayons, markers) $75.00. We will need $625 for the venue <br />and food. We want this exhibition to leave a strong impression with <br />our community. By providing art, mental health and food, residents <br />will feel, taste and smell how our nonprofit cares about Santa Ana <br />and gives back to our residents. <br />