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Exhibit 1 <br />OUR SHARED VISION AND VALUES <br />Parks, recreation, and open space are integral to VALUES <br />the vision and values of the City of Santa Ana. As part of the General Plan process, the <br />VISION <br />In the 2022 General Plan, the City of Santa Ana <br />defines a vision that expresses our community's <br />aspirations and dreams. <br />"Santa Ana is a city that promotes the health and <br />wellness of all residents, with a civic culture that <br />actively embraces the power of diversity. Our <br />City invests in resources that create economic <br />opportunities for the next generation, and it is a <br />community that celebrates our past while working <br />together to create a sustainable future." <br />community defined its core values --those traits <br />or qualities that represent the community's <br />highest priorities. The values for the parks <br />and recreation system, as articulated through <br />community outreach, support the City's core <br />values for the future. The table on the next <br />page shows this relationship. <br />goldencity <br />beyond <br />A SHARED VISION FOR SANTA ANA <br />TABLE 6-1: COMMUNITY VALUES FOR PARKS AND RECREATION <br />EQUITY & ENVIRONMENTAL <br />JUSTICE <br />Our residents value taking <br />all necessary steps to ensure <br />equitable outcomes, expanding <br />access to the tools and resources <br />that residents need, and to <br />balance competing interests in an <br />open and democratic manner. <br />• Equitable Access: Parks, facilities, and programs are located <br />throughout the City to ensure easy and equitable access <br />for all residents, no matter their age, income, race, culture, <br />housing status, or ability. <br />• Inclusion: Our parks offer welcoming and inclusive spaces <br />for people of all ages and backgrounds to gather, socialize, <br />and recreate. <br />• Environmental Justice: We strive to offset the <br />disproportionate impacts of pollution and support the health <br />of residents in our environmental justice communities. <br />SUSTAINABILITY <br />• Stewardship: We are committed to the responsible and <br />Santa Ana values land use <br />sound maintenance and stewardship of our park assets. <br />decisions that benefit future <br />• Environmental Protection: We protect our natural <br />generations, plan for the <br />resources, including our trees, lakes, rivers, and greenspaces, <br />impacts of climate change, and <br />to promote ecological benefits. <br />incorporate sustainable design <br />• Resiliency: We manage our parks, facilities, and programs to <br />practices at all levels of the <br />be adaptable and responsive to challenges such as climate <br />planning process. <br />change, pandemics, pollution, and housing shortages. <br />CULTURE <br />• Diversity: We respect residents of diverse cultures, <br />Our community values efforts <br />languages, and interests, offering a variety of recreation <br />that celebrate our differences as <br />opportunities to respond to diverse community needs. <br />a source of strength, preserve <br />• Vibrancy: We provide unique events and facilities to attract <br />and build upon existing cultural <br />residents and visitors to our business districts and support <br />resources, and nurture a citywide <br />the economic vitality of our community. <br />culture of empowered residents. <br />• Social Cohesion: Our residents are connected through <br />events, programs and gathering spaces that foster a sense of <br />community. <br />• Culture and Identity: Our parks reflect our community's <br />heritage, identity, and culture to cultivate civic pride. <br />HEALTH <br />• Active Lifestyles: Great parks, recreation facilities, and trails <br />The people of Santa Ana value <br />contribute to active recreation, sports, and fitness. <br />EDUCATION <br />• Enrichment: By providing activities, programs, and <br />a physical environment that <br />• Safety: Our parks and facilities are designed and maintained <br />We are a city that values the <br />"thinkscapes" in our parks, we are committed to supporting <br />encourages healthy lifestyles, <br />to prioritize public safety, comfort, and well-being. <br />creation of lifelong learners, <br />lifelong learning, personal development and growth, and a <br />a planning process that <br />• Access to Nature: Parks and open space support <br />the importance of opening <br />high quality of life. <br />ensures that health impacts are <br />environmental health and opportunities to experience <br />educational opportunities to <br />• Play: We support play and recreation as essential <br />considered, and a community <br />nature. <br />all residents and investing in <br />components of human development and well-being. <br />that actively pursues policies and <br />• Connectivity: We promote a walkable, bikeable city by <br />educational programs that <br />• Youth Empowerment: We create and help navigate critical <br />practices that improve the health <br />providing interconnected regional and local trails. <br />advance our residents' economic <br />pathways for youth development, leadership, safety, and <br />of our residents City Council <br />14 — 79 <br />5/17/2022 <br />* From 2022 General Plan <br />® SANTA ANA PARKS MASTER PLAN <br />CHAPTER 6: SYSTEMWIDE RECOMMENDATIONS <br />