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Exhibit 1 <br />INITIATIVE 1: PARKLAND <br />Acquire and develop parks to create an <br />integrated park and open space system. <br />1.1 Support an integrated network of parks, <br />recreation facilities, and trails as a critical <br />components of Santa Ana's open space <br />system. <br />a. Distinguish parkland from other types <br />of open space, as defined in the PMP. <br />b. Acquire parkland primarily to provide <br />recreation and social gathering <br />opportunities, and secondarily to <br />support other open space benefits, <br />such as greenspace protection, <br />ecological function, beautification, <br />visual aesthetics, and buffers between <br />land uses. <br />c. Prioritize park resources to acquire <br />parkland that supports the values and <br />initiatives of the PMP. Avoid acquiring <br />open space, such as landscaped areas <br />or vacant lands, which are not suitable <br />for park uses. <br />d. Coordinate with Public Works in the <br />provision of a comprehensive trail and <br />bikeway system. (See Initiative 3.) <br />1.2 Increase the amount of parkland in Santa <br />Ana to meet the needs of City residents. <br />a. Provide parkland at a minimum level of <br />service of 1.5 acres per 1,000 residents. <br />b. Re-evaluate and, if possible, reclaim <br />the use of City parkland that is currently <br />designated as "park resources" (spaces <br />managed by others for non -park uses). <br />c. Where feasible, such as in new <br />development or redevelopment areas, <br />strive to provide 2 or 3 acres of parkland <br />per 1,000 residents to serve residents, <br />employees, and visitors. <br />d. Create a level -of -service report card to <br />annually track and report on progress in <br />achieving the City's parkland standards. <br />e. Establish land use provisions in the <br />Municipal Code that prevent a net loss <br />of public parkland in the City. Require <br />at least a 1:1 replacement if there is any <br />loss of public parkland due to public or <br />private development. (GP) <br />through the provision of trail corridors and <br />joint -use sites that support recreation. <br />a. Maintain Class I and Class IV trails to <br />support park access, recreation, and <br />active transportation. (See Initiative 3.) <br />b. Collaborate with public school <br />districts, private schools, faith -based <br />organizations, and community <br />organizations to expand shared -use <br />sites and facilities through cooperative <br />agreements to maximize recreation <br />options. (GP) <br />1.4 Balance the types of parkland and <br />recreation options provided across the <br />City. <br />a. Adopt new park classifications to plan <br />and provide a comprehensive and <br />integrated network of parkland. Provide <br />citywide parks, community parks, <br />neighborhood parks, pocket parks, <br />urban plazas, and special use facilities. <br />1.5 Protect natural areas, water resources, the <br />urban tree canopy, and greenspace through <br />the provision of parkland. <br />a. Maintain, protect, and program the <br />City's lakes, river, and creek to support <br />recreation, resource and water quality <br />protection, and community aesthetics. <br />(G P) <br />b. Explore options to designate Santiago <br />Park, Santiago Creek, Centennial Lake <br />and Thornton Park Lake, and park sites <br />adjacent to the Santa Ana River to <br />be Environmentally Sensitive Habitat <br />Areas (ESHAs) to protect these sites <br />against significant disruption of habitat <br />values, prevent impacts which would <br />significantly degrade those areas and <br />only allow for development which is <br />compatible with the continuance of <br />those habitat and recreation areas. (GP) <br />c. Reintroduce natural elements, increase <br />habitat, and provide more recreational <br />opportunities along the Santa Ana River. <br />Update the Santa Ana River Vision Plan. <br />(G P) <br />d. Maintain, preserve, and enhance the <br />City's urban forest as an environmental, <br />economic, and aesthetic resource to <br />recreation, as well as preserve and improve residents' quality of life. (GP) <br />interpret the City's natural resources, <br />landmarks, urban tree canopy, and <br />designated historical and cultural <br />City Council 14 — 81 5/17/2022 <br />f. Collaborate with other agencies, <br />community leaders, and public and <br />private groups to identify opportunities <br />for acquisition. (See Initiative 7.) <br />1.3 Augment the City's park level of service <br />b. Balance needs to provide close -to - <br />home recreation opportunities with <br />needs for larger parks that have <br />spaces for specialized and unique <br />recreation options. <br />c. Select new park sites to support <br />Exhibit A <br />SANTA ANA PARKS MASTER PLAN CHAPTER 6: SYSTEMWIDE RECOMMENDATIONS <br />