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INITIATIVE 5: ACTIVITY <br />Facilitate events, programs, sports, and indoor <br />and outdoor recreation activities to support <br />community health, fitness, empowerment, <br />development, and lifelong learning. <br />5.1 Diversify recreation programs, events, and <br />activities to meet the varied needs of the <br />community. <br />a. Activate parks, recreation facilities, and <br />trails to support active lifestyles, mental <br />health, youth development, lifelong <br />learning and environmental health <br />benefits that support individual and <br />community well-being. (GP) <br />b. Provide a variety of programs and <br />events to support active and passive <br />recreation, indoor and outdoor recreation <br />opportunities, as well as traditional and <br />trending activities. (GP) <br />c. Diversify types of activities to respond <br />to busy lifestyles, including a mix <br />of programmed and self -directed <br />opportunities, as well as scheduled and <br />drop -in activities. <br />d. Provide and promote a variety of <br />events, programs and activities for <br />residents and visitors to create inclusive, <br />multigenerational, family -friendly <br />recreation and art experiences for all ages, <br />interests, abilities, incomes, and cultures. <br />e. Continue to support events, activities, <br />fairs, and festivals that celebrate Santa <br />Ana's heritage, history, and racial and <br />cultural divaitg Council <br />5.2 Provide, facilitate, or expand programs to <br />offer the types of opportunities desired. <br />a. Continue to support the program service <br />areas noted in the PMP. (See Chapter 5.) <br />b. Expand special events, sports, and <br />activities such as aquatics, arts and crafts, <br />music and performance, health and <br />wellness, and community enrichment <br />programs as new facilities are developed. <br />Increase programming staff, materials, <br />supplies, and support services (marketing, <br />communications, technology, human <br />resources) to support this expansion. <br />c. Coordinate with partners to expand <br />"educational" enrichment programs <br />to respond to City goals. Consider <br />partnerships with theater, art, and music <br />groups and Santa Ana educational <br />institutions to support science, technology, <br />engineering, art, and math (STEAM) <br />programs and camps, as well as history <br />programs and youth homework support in <br />afterschool programs. Coordinate with the <br />goals and initiatives of the Community Arts <br />and Cultural Master Plan to support art <br />programs for children and youth. <br />d. Invest in mobile recreation and pop-up <br />activities to bring recreation, art, nature <br />interpretation, social activities and games <br />to community events and areas not served <br />by park land within a 10-minute walk. <br />Provide pop-up programs periodically <br />throughout the City to creatively involve <br />residents who might not otherwise 44 _ 87 <br />aware of or participate in programs. <br />SANTA ANA PARKS MASTER PLAN <br />CHAPTER 6: SYSTEMWIDE RECOMMENDATIONS <br />