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Exhibit 1 <br />INITIATIVE 6: STEWARDSHIP <br />Manage and maintain Santa Ana's parks and 6.2 Establish maintenance teams and protocols <br />recreation assets through good stewardship, for addressing "urgent" maintenance and <br />proactive asset management, and the wise use park needs. <br />of resources to support a sustainable, resilient, <br />a. Add flexible maintenance staff or <br />safe, and comfortable park system. <br />contracted staff teams who can respond <br />6.1 Ensure that all parks, recreation facilities, <br />and trails are well -maintained. (GP). <br />a. Proactively anticipate and schedule <br />routine maintenance tasks, task <br />frequencies, and staffing needed to <br />take care of City parks and facilities. <br />b. Create a maintenance management <br />plan to guide the long-term <br />maintenance of parks and trails. This <br />plan will identify the maintenance <br />tasks, frequencies, staffing, and <br />resources needed to manage and <br />maintain facilities and landscaping. <br />(G P) <br />c. Implement the maintenance tiers <br />identified in the PIMP to align <br />maintenance efforts with varying levels <br />of park use, visibility, and the presence <br />of specialized amenities and facilities. <br />d. Ensure that funding, staffing, and <br />other resources are available to <br />maintain existing parks and facilities, <br />as well as new ones when added to <br />the park and open space system. (GP) <br />City Council <br />to maintenance issues prioritized by safety <br />needs and urgency, so that "urgent tasks" <br />do not preempt the routine maintenance <br />required in all park sites. <br />6.3 Enhance the condition of parks and facilities <br />by implementing an asset management plan. <br />a. Prioritize improvements for parks in fair <br />to poor condition as identified in the <br />PMP park evaluation. (See Map 6-2.): <br />I. Friendship Park <br />ii. 17th Street Triangle Park <br />iii. Santiago Park <br />iv. Dan Young Soccer Complex <br />v. Sasscer Park <br />b. Establish an annual dedicated funding <br />allocation to have funds on hand <br />when needed to repair or replace <br />landscaping, infrastructure, facilities, and <br />equipment. Set aside sufficient funds <br />for issues associated with plumbing, <br />electrical, irrigation, maintenance <br />equipment, fabrication, and construction <br />management. (See Appendix E.) <br />c. Periodically assess the condition of <br />parks and facilities, identifying deferred <br />maintenance projects, deficiencies, <br />repairs, and replacements needed, <br />including cost estimates. Include <br />facility improvements in the Capital <br />Improvement Program. (GP) <br />d. Document and track facility lifecycles <br />to plan for the ongoing needs for <br />park and landscaping renovations and <br />replacement. (GP) <br />e. Consult with major facility business <br />plans before investing in major repairs <br />or replacements in facilities such as <br />recreation centers, community centers, <br />senior centers, aquatic facilities, <br />stadiums, and other park buildings. <br />f. When replacing facilities, avoid "like - <br />for -like" replacements. Use the PIMP <br />design and development guidelines, <br />facility level of service standards, and <br />recommendations to guide decisions <br />and incorporate trends in facility <br />replacement. (See Chapters 5 and 7 and <br />Appendix D.) <br />5/17/2022 <br />Exhibit A <br />SANTA ANA PARKS MASTER PLAN CHAPTER 6: SYSTEMWIDE RECOMMENDATIONS <br />