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PARKLAND CAPITAL AND OPERATIONS COSTS <br />Building Santa Ana's future park and recreation <br />system will require substantial funding beyond <br />the resources the City currently invests in parks, <br />facilities, and programs. Appendix E introduces <br />the planning -level cost estimates associated with <br />PMP recommendations. The estimates are based <br />on order -of -magnitude costs to assist in evaluating <br />and prioritizing projects for future consideration in <br />the City's Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Costs <br />are in 2022 dollars not accounting for inflation. <br />Recognizing the current volatility of pricing and <br />supply chain issues, these costs provide general <br />guidance for project planning. <br />These costs will inform conversations, budgeting, <br />and level of service decisions for parkland only. <br />The PMP does not include costs for: <br />• Trail corridor acquisition, development, <br />or maintenance, which are calculated in <br />conjunction with transportation planning <br />• Capital or operations dollars for any type of <br />partner investment in joint -use school sites <br />• Programs and events to activate parks <br />The total planning -level capital cost <br />for implementing the improvements <br />recommended in Chapter 7 and Appendix C <br />is approximately $679.2 million (Table 8-1). <br />Nearly $5.2 million annually would be needed <br />to maintain the system when built out. Another <br />$6.3 million should be set aside annually to <br />have funds on hand to repair and replace old <br />or worn facilities at the end of their lifecycle. <br />TABLE 8-1: CAPITAL AND OPERATIONS COST SUMMARY FOR EXISTING AND PROPOSED PARKS <br />Existing Park Sites <br />Planned, Proposed, and <br />Expanded Parks <br />$127.8 million $3.7 million $4.4 million <br />$551.4 million $1.5 million $1.9 million <br />5/17/2022 <br />® SANTA ANA PARKS MASTER PLAN <br />CHAPTER 8: ACTION PLAN <br />