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Exhibit 1 <br />PROJECT EVALUATION AND PRIORITIZATION <br />These capital costs —and associated operations cost —exceed what the City will be likely to implement <br />in the next ten years. To assist the City in focusing on priority projects, the PMP introduces a two-step <br />evaluation process for evaluating and prioritizing recommended capital projects. Since this Master Park <br />cannot anticipate all project needs as circumstances change over the next ten years, this evaluation <br />framework will help vet new projects as they arise. Projects that are consistent with PMP initiatives may <br />advance to Step 2. <br />Projects aligned with multiple PMP initiatives are important. However, projects that meet multiple criteria <br />in Step 2 are most likely to be implemented quickly. For this reason, Step 2 is weighted more heavily. Final <br />scores should be used to sequence capital projects in annual capital improvement planning and budgeting. <br />TABLE 8-3: TWO-STEP PROJECT EVALUATION AND PRIORITIZATION SCORECARD <br />STEP 1: ALIGNMENT WITH PMP INITIATIVES Check if 1 point <br />Does the proposed project address one or more of the following Parks Master Yes each <br />Plan Initiatives? <br />Parkland: Acquire and develop parks to create an integrated park and <br />recreation system. <br />Equity, Access, and Environmental Justice: Ensure that all residents in Santa <br />Ana have equitable access to inclusive parks and healthy recreation opportunities <br />that serve all ages, abilities, and unserved or underserved areas in the city. <br />Trail Connectivity: Create a walkable, bikeable, and interconnected city by <br />creating a network of off-street bike and pedestrian trails. <br />Recreation Diversity: Create unique and vibrant parks and recreation facilities <br />that reflect the character, identity, and needs of Santa Ana's diverse community <br />Activity: Facilitate events, programs, sports, and indoor and outdoor recreation <br />activities to support community health, fitness, empowerment, development, <br />and lifelong learning. <br />Stewardship: Manage and maintain Santa Ana's parks and recreation assets <br />through good stewardship, proactive asset management, and the wise use of <br />resources to support a sustainable, resilient, safe, and comfortable park system. <br />Collaboration: Engage residents, partners, stakeholders, volunteers, and local <br />businesses in enhancing parks and recreation opportunities. <br />Investment: Diversify funding, generate revenues, and support the capital <br />operational inveell r�g�rhance the park and recreation system. <br />14 — 110 <br />TABLE 8-3: TWO-STEP PROJECT EVALUATION AND PRIORITIZATION SCORECARD (CON'T) <br />STEP 2: ALIGNMENT WITH PARK SYSTEM REALITIES <br />How well does the proposed project address the following criteria? <br />Safety and Use: Does the project improve park safety or restore use? <br />Feasibility: Does the project use or leverage available resources, such as <br />existing staffing or volunteers, equipment, sites, and facilities? <br />Existing Opportunity: Can the City implement the project using existing park <br />space or available public space (e.g., property already acquired, vacant lands, <br />existing rights of way)? <br />Funding Availability: Does the project leverage existing funding for <br />implementation, such as City capital and operations funding, grants, <br />partnerships, and donations? <br />Cost Savings: Does the project reduce costs, increase revenues, increase <br />sustainability, or increase maintenance and operational efficiencies? <br />Ease of Implementation: Can the project be done quickly and easily (i.e., are <br />advanced planning, feasibility studies, and permitting already completed)? <br />Acquisition Urgency: Does the project acquire parkland while the opportunity <br />exists to do so? (or before the opportunity is lost?) <br />Value: Does the project deliver high value for the cost or resources needed, <br />relative to other projects? <br />City Priority: Does the project coincide with or support another City project or <br />City Council initiative? <br />Community Priority: Does the project provide or renovate a high -use, popular <br />park or facility to address top community needs (e.g., sports fields, event space, <br />play areas, trails, dog parks)? <br />Multiple Benefits: Does the project benefit a large number of people and/or <br />support multiple or flexible uses? <br />Underserved or Underrepresented Groups: Does the project serve <br />underrepresented groups or unserved geographic areas to balance park access <br />and provide equitable opportunities for all? <br />Check if 2 points <br />Yes each <br />CHAPTER 8: ACTION PLAN <br />