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Exhibit 1 <br />TABLE B-2: ANALYSIS OF OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE PARK GAPS (CON'T) <br />PRIVATE PARK,EXISTING <br />IMPROVE <br />IMPROVE OTHER CITY- <br />EXPLORE <br />SCHOOL, <br />PLANNED <br />POTENTIAL ACQUIRE AND <br />UNSERVED ACCESS TO <br />EXISTING OWNED <br />JOINT -USE <br />FACILITY R <br />TRAIL <br />TRAIL <br />ACQUISITION DEVELOP ANEW <br />AREA EXISTING <br />PARK PROPERTY" <br />SCHOOL <br />RECREATION <br />CORRIDOR <br />CORRIDOR <br />OPPORTUNITY PARK <br />PARK <br />AGREEMENT <br />OPPORTUNITY <br />(CLASS1) <br />(CLASSI/IV) <br />10 <br />Edna Park <br />11 <br />Edna Park <br />11a <br />Memory Lane <br />Park <br />12 <br />Jack Fisher Park <br />12a <br />Eldridge Park Morrison Park <br />13 <br />Jack Fisher Park <br />14 <br />Jack Fisher Park <br />15 <br />City Council <br />® SANTA ANA <br />PARKS MASTER PLAN <br />X Citywide Park <br />(Willowick] <br />X <br />[RED TEXT] <br />-TERVENTI• [BLACK TEXT] <br />— Invest in improvements to Edna <br />Acquire and provide access to Willowick Golf Course <br />Park (3.6 acres) to attract and serve <br />(Citywide Park) <br />residents within a 10-minute (1/2 mile) <br />walk <br />Invest in improvements to Edna Park (3.6 acres) to <br />— Potential Acquisition Opportunity: <br />attract and serve residents within a 10-minute (1/2 <br />Willowick <br />mile) walk <br />— Invest in improvements to Edna <br />Park acres) to attract and serve <br />Invest in improvements to Edna Park (3.6 acres) to <br />residents within a 10-minute (1/2 mile) <br />attract and serve residents within a 10-minute (1/2 <br />walk <br />mile) walk <br />— Improve access to Memory Lane Park, <br />if possible [East/west connection <br />Address barriers to improve access to Memory Lane <br />needed to conned The City Dr S to <br />Park [if possible] <br />the Santa Ana River Trail] <br />Acquire and develop Pocket Park (along east side of <br />— Invest in improvements to Jack Fisher Santa Ana River Trail or along Golden Loop) <br />Pocket Park Park (2.6 acres) to attract and serve <br />residents within a 10-minute (1/2 mile) Invest in improvements to Jack Fisher Park (2.6 acres) <br />walk to attract and serve residents within a 10-minute (1/2 <br />mile) walk <br />— Invest in improvements to Eldridge <br />Park (1.2 acres) to attract and serve <br />Address barriers to improve access to Morrison Park <br />residents within a 10-minute (1/2 mile) <br />[if possible] <br />walk <br />— Improve access to Morrison Park, <br />Invest in improvements to Eldridge Park (1.2 acres) <br />if possible [East/west connection <br />to attract and serve residents within a 10-minute (1/2 <br />needed through Waterstone Park <br />mile) walk <br />Apartments (alley)] <br />— Invest in improvements to Jack Fisher <br />Explore options for JUA with Santiago Elementary <br />Park (2.6 acres) to attract and serve <br />School <br />Full residents within a 10-minute (1/2 mile) <br />walk <br />Invest in improvements to Jack Fisher Park (2.6 acres) <br />— JUA — Santiago Elementary School <br />to attract and serve residents within a 10-minute (1/2 <br />mile) walk <br />— Invest in improvements to Jack Fisher <br />Acquire and develop Neighborhood Park <br />Park (2.6 acres) to attract and serve <br />Neighborhood Park residents within a 10-minute (1/2 mile) <br />Invest in improvements to Jack Fisher Park (2.6 acres) <br />walk <br />to attract and serve residents within a 10-minute (1/2 <br />mile) walk <br />Full — JUA —Wilson Elementary School [Full] <br />Explore options for JUA with Wilson Elementary <br />— JUA — Santa Ana College [Partial] <br />School <br />14 — 139 <br />5/17/2022 <br />APPENDICES <br />