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Exhibit 1 <br />SYSTEMWIDE GUIDELINES FOR QUALITY PARKS <br />The ideal park and recreation system provides <br />an array of parks with amenities and facilities <br />appropriate to their size, scale, function, and <br />unique surroundings. While the character of <br />each park should be different, park elements <br />reflect specific standards and guidelines that <br />address park safety, usability, maintenance <br />efficiencies, sustainability, layout and location, <br />and accessibility. Site selection, park design, <br />and development choices should support <br />each park's function so that diverse recreation <br />opportunities are provided and sustained om <br />Santa Ana into the future. <br />As noted in the Parks Master Plan, the City <br />of Santa Ana is deficient in park space <br />and should consider all options to acquire <br />additional parkland to meet Level of Service <br />(LOS) standards defined in Chapters 5 and 6. <br />However, this does not suggest that the City <br />should take any or all lands available. <br />To support a successful park system, this <br />appendix presents guidelines to assist in <br />acquiring and developing quality new parks <br />and renovating existing sites to reflect <br />new trends and the needs identified in this <br />Parks Master Plan. These specific guidelines <br />supplement the park policies identified the <br />Master Plan and shall be followed in addition <br />to other State and federal mandates for <br />park development. General acquisition and <br />development guidelines applicable to all <br />types of parks are presented first, followed by <br />specific guidelines by park type. <br />The following guidelines provide criteria for <br />land acquisition and development. Numbered <br />as Guideline (G) 1, 2, 3, etc. for reference, <br />these guidelines address land acceptability, <br />park design, and sustainability. <br />LAND SUITABILITY <br />TG1. Ensure that all land within park site is of a <br />size and shape suitable for park use. Proposed <br />park sites that are too small (as defined by <br />park type), non-contiguous should not be <br />considered. <br />G2. Avoid elements that restrict the function, <br />development or usability of the land, such as <br />underground or overhead utilities, unsuitable <br />topography, or contamination. Avoid sites <br />with overly restrictive easements or other <br />development restrictions. <br />G3. Avoid open space and landscaped areas <br />not suitable for recreation: <br />• Landscaped Areas are a type of open space <br />that is maintained for community aesthetics <br />and beautification, but not for park use. <br />These may include medians, street rights - <br />of -way, gateways along busy streets, public <br />grounds around buildings, etc. <br />• Open space includes parks, but it may also <br />include commercial open space, vacant lands, <br />manicured landscaped areas, water channels <br />and rail infrastructure that is not suitable for <br />use as parkland. <br />TG4. Avoid small parks along busy roads or <br />intersections that are not conducive to social <br />gatherings or play. <br />G5. Carefully consider park sites with of an <br />irregular shape not conducive to park use. <br />Linear corridors along trails, however, may be <br />suitable to add recreation features. <br />G6. Carefully consider the return on investment <br />when acquiring sites already developed for <br />other uses, where demolition or redevelopment <br />may be costly. <br />G7. Carefully consider park sites with extensive <br />or excessive slopes, swales, drainage, creeks, <br />wetlands/biological habitat and similar <br />landscapes. Natural areas acquired for parkland <br />should be suitable for passive recreation at a <br />minimum. <br />G8. Avoid development credits for bike lanes, <br />sidewalks, landscaped areas not intended for <br />recreation, and private park areas open to <br />members only. <br />G9. Allow development credits for public/ <br />private specialized facilities or greenspace <br />that meet the goals and objectives of the Park <br />Master Plan. <br />City Council 14 — 157 5/17/2022 <br />