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Exhibit 1 <br />IT <br />.� rF `' <br />a: a <br />law <br />ENTRY, ACCESSIBILITY, AND <br />WAYFINDING <br />G32. Ensure that all park elements, facilities, <br />materials and equipment comply with current <br />safety, accessibility and design standards, <br />laws, regulations and any other mandated <br />requirements. <br />G41. Connect parks to surrounding <br />neighborhoods by sidewalks, bicycle lanes and/ <br />or off-street trails to provide multiple ways of <br />accessing parks. Where possible, locate entry <br />near bus stop or crosswalk, or incorporate these <br />into the neighborhood design. <br />G42. Design parks using universal access <br />principles to facilitate access and movement <br />within parks for people of all ages and abilities. <br />Consider surfacing, path width, accessible <br />amenities and facilities., t-- .—_:i <br />G43. Provide a main entry which gives a sense <br />of arrival and entry. Entry point should include <br />park signage and may include special features. <br />G44. Design pathways to accommodate <br />maintenance and emergency vehicle access. <br />When feasible, include a separate entry for <br />maintenance vehicles away from the main entry <br />and away from active play areas. <br />G45. Locate garbage dumpsters for easy access <br />by trash pick-up vehicles, yet away from the park's <br />main entry and away from active play areas. <br />G46. Provide a comprehensive wayfinding and <br />signage program across the network of parks, <br />trails, bikeways, and open space. The program <br />shall include signage, pavement markings, and <br />markers related to site identification, regulatory <br />GUIDELINES BY PARK TYPE <br />Santa Ana's parks are classified by park type to <br />ensure a variety of parks across the system. The <br />following guidelines are organized by park type <br />and specify: <br />• Definition: Overall intent and vision for the park. <br />• Site Character & Adjacencies: Description of <br />park character and primary recreation features. <br />• Size and Configuration: Park size, shape, <br />location. <br />• Access: Guidelines related to parking, trails, <br />transit, entry, etc. <br />• Prioritized Recreation Elements: Desired <br />features and elements to support the site vision. <br />• Additional Recreation Elements to Consider: <br />Amenities and facilities that are suitable for <br />this park and may be considered during the <br />site -specific design process to provide more <br />diverse recreation experiences. (Note: This list <br />is not exhaustive and other types of appropriate <br />amenities and facilities may be considered.) <br />• Prioritized Support Amenities: Amenities <br />required to support park functionality and use. <br />• Landscaping and Vegetation: General <br />character of planting and irrigation. <br />• Additional Considerations: Additional notes <br />about items to consider, provide, or purposely <br />avoid. <br />These guidelines are intended to provide general <br />guidance to City staff, developers, partners or <br />others in the development and renovation of <br />parks. The specific numbers and types of facilities <br />will be determined in design and construction <br />documents. See Chapter 5 for additional <br />definitions of various types of amenities and <br />recreation facilities. <br />Exhibit A <br />® SANTA ANA PARKS MASTER PLAN APPENDICES <br />