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Parks, Recreation, and Community Services <br /> <br />i Item # 14 <br />City of Santa Ana <br />20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />Staff Report <br />May 17, 2022 <br />TOPIC: Parks, Facilities, Trails and Open Space Master Plan <br />AGENDA TITLE: <br />Adopt a Resolution Approving the Parks, Facilities, Trails and Open Space Master Plan <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION <br />Adopt a resolution approving the Parks, Facilities, Trails and Open Space Master Plan. <br />DISCUSSION <br />Today is a historic and exciting time for Santa Ana, as this is the very first Parks Master <br />Plan ("PMP") that will guide our investment in parks, facilities, trails, and open space over <br />the next ten years! They say you can tell the health of a community by the condition of its <br />parks. For decades, our parks have needed a significant investment to keep them safe, <br />inclusive, enjoyable, and comfortable for our children, families and residents. Now is the <br />time to provide a park system that will support and promote healthy lifestyles, improve <br />inequities in greenspace, and support community livability, park safety, trail connectivity, <br />and our quality of life. <br />The PMP was developed through an 18-month process that combined broad resident and <br />stakeholder engagement with a data -driven technical analysis to identify community <br />needs. City staff, key stakeholders, and City leaders together formed a Project Advisory <br />Group to guide the four -phased planning process. More than 2,000 residents, 6 <br />committees, commissions, and advisory groups, 24 partner or stakeholder organizations, <br />participants at 16 pop-up activities, and three staff groups shared their insights and <br />comments to help develop the PMP. <br />The City of Santa Ana recently updated its General Plan in a process that included <br />extensive outreach and an environmental justice element to define the community's <br />vision, values, and goals for the future. The PMP engagement process built upon General <br />Plan findings to identify specific community priorities for parks, recreation, and trails. <br />These priorities guide our park investment strategy. <br />The PMP defines the community's values for parks and recreation. It shows how parks <br />City Council 14 — 1 5/17/2022 <br />