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Exhibit 1 <br />Table 8-2: Capital Costs by Recommendation <br />Table 8-3: Two -Step Project Evaluation and Prioritization Scorecard <br />Table 8-4: Santa Ana Parks Acquisition and Development Fund Collections, 2018-2021 <br />Table 8-5: Projected Fee generation Estimate Through 2030 Based on Current Fee Levels <br />Table 8-6: Implied Parkland Acreage Costs Based on City Service Standard <br />Table A-1: City of Santa Ana Park Inventory by Classification <br />Table A-2: Existing Trail Corridors <br />Table A-3: Joint -Use School Sites <br />Table A-4: Major Facilities Inventory <br />Table B-1: Analysis of Severity of Need <br />Table B-2: Analysis of Opportunities to Serve Park Gaps <br />Table B-3: Detailed Summary of Key Needs and Alternative Interventions <br />Table B-4: Areas Serves with Join -Use School Agreement Opportunities <br />Table B-5: Summary of Joint -Use School Agreement Priorities <br />Table C-1: Summary of Maintenance Levels <br />Table C-2: Additional Recommendations for PRCSA Trails and Joint -use School Parks <br />Table C-3: Recommendations for Existing and Proposed Parks <br />Table E-1: Summary of Estimated Capital and Operations Costs by Site <br />Table E-2: Estimated Planning and Project Costs by Site and Category <br />Table E-3: Planning Level Costs by Park Type <br />List of Figures <br />Figure 1-1: The Planning Process <br />Figure 2-1: Santa Ana's Parks and Recreation Facilities <br />Figure 3-1: Parks Master Plan Poster <br />Figure 3-2: A Trilingual Utility Insert to Advertise the Survey <br />Figure 3-3: How would you rate parks in Santa Ana on each of the following? <br />Figure 3-4: What would make parks even better for you and your family? <br />Figure 3-5: What features or facilities would you like to see more of in Santa Ana's parks? <br />Figure 3-6: What makes a great park? <br />Figure 3-7: What types of program and events should be added or expanded in Santa Ana? <br />Figure 3-8: Are more trails, pathways and bike routes needed in Santa Ana? <br />Figure 3-9: What type of trail or pathway is most needed in Santa Ana? <br />Figure 3-10: G <br />Figure 3-11: V\ <br />and events should be added or expanded in Santa Ana? 14 - 12 <br />Figure 4-1: TPL Parkland Metrics <br />Figure 5-1: Orange County Park Acres per 1,000 Residents <br />Figure 7-1: Recommended Capital Project by Category <br />Figure 7-2: Percent of Existing and Proposed Sites and Acreage Identified for Capital Projects <br />Figure 7-3: Recommended Parkland Acquisition and Expansion by Park Type <br />Figure 7-4: Maintenance Needs at Existing and Proposed Sites <br />Figure 8-1: Capital Cost Breakdown for Existing and Proposed Parks <br />Figure 8-2: Capital Cost Breakdown for Existing and Proposed Parks by Park Type <br />List of Maps <br />Map 2-1: Existing Parks and Facilities <br />Map 4-1: Park Access <br />Map 4-2: Key Park System Needs <br />Map 4-3: Environmental Justice and LUE Focus <br />Map 4-4: Trail Corridors and Key Connections <br />Map 4-5: Major Recreation Facilities Distribution <br />Map 4-6: Active Recreation Facilities Distribution <br />Map 4-7: Potential Acquisition Opportunities <br />Map 6-1: Interventions to Increase Access to Parks and Trails <br />Map 6-2: Park Condition <br />Map 8-1: Park Development District Map <br />Map B-1: Access Analysis - City Parks <br />Map 13-2: Access Analysis — All Parks + Facilities <br />Map B-3: Access Analysis — Service Areas + Gaps <br />Map B-4: Equity Analysis — EJ + LUE <br />Map B-5: Equity Analysis — Poverty Status <br />Map B-6: Equity Analysis — Maj. Non -White <br />Map 13-7: Equity Analysis — Res. Density <br />Map B-8: Access + Equity Analysis — Synthesis <br />5/17/2022 <br />Exhibit A <br />