<br />1. Program Details, Tasks, Duration, and Deliverables
<br />Funds from the Revive: Santa Ana YouBn Programs will support KidWorks' year-round After School Program for 400 predominately Latino K-12'h
<br />grade students with a goal that at least 90% of students graduate from high school on time and enroll in college. The program has a holistic approach to
<br />engage students in activities that support academic success, leadership development, and social emotional wellness. Parents and families are also
<br />provided with supports that promote student success.
<br />KidWorks' community centers are located in some of Snnta Ana's most under-resomeed neighborhoods of South Townsend Street, West Myrtle Street,
<br />and Codar-Evergreen. These communities have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic, experiencing higher incidences of illness, death, and
<br />lost income. Throughout the pandemic, KidWorks has been focused on youth and family engagement, recognizing that young people are suffering fiom
<br />the lack of social connections with one another and other supportive adults.
<br />During the height of the pandemic, KidWorks launched a virtual tutoring program for students culled the "Homework hotline." As restrictions have eased,
<br />KidWorks has been able to move programming into a hybrid model, with both in -person and onliue offerings. In addition to continuing to provide
<br />academic tutoring, the After School Program has had an increased emphasis on the fundamentals of looking after each student's personal wellbeing and
<br />social emotional development to support them as they persevere in living through the community trauma of the COVID-19 pandemic.
<br />The proposed program will take place Monday -Friday, 3-7pm, from August -June, following the school year.
<br />The After School Program is organized under the following three program success strategies: 1) Personal Development, 2) College and Career Readiness,
<br />and 3) Leadership Development.
<br />1) Personal Development: Developing the confidence, tools, and self-identity to reach individual. potential.
<br />a. Social Emotional Wellness: Developing skills in self-awareness, managing emotions, goal setting, healthy relationships, empathy, and responsible
<br />decision -making.
<br />b. Character Development: Cultivating personal character traits and self-identity in accordance with the 'internal assets' identified by the Search Institute's
<br />40 Developmental Assets framework under the following themes: Commitment to Learning, Positive Values, Social Competencies, and Positive identity.
<br />2) College and Career Readiness: Providing a clear path and support toward higher education and a future career.
<br />a. Academic Support: Providing a pathway for academic success through quality homework help, tutoring, and guidance to enter higher education.
<br />Students are given a nurturing environment to develop a growth mindset and love of learning through activities that promote literacy, science, technology,
<br />engineering, math, arts, and music.
<br />It. Academic Enrichment: Providing exposure and exploration of various colleges and careers. Students participate in college campus tours, career
<br />exploration workshops and site visits, SAT preparation classes, financial literacy training, college application assistance workshops, internships, and
<br />mentoring.
<br />3) Leadership Development: Gaining the knowledge, compassion, and skills to give back to the community.
<br />a. Equip: Learning to assess needs and opportunities in the community and learning the qualities of a servant leader. Students participate in leadership
<br />roles in the classroom and their community, Through FmnklinCovey's Leader in Me curriculum, students learn the Seven Habits of Highly Effective
<br />People. These habits help students take initiative in their personal transformation, collaborate with one another, and promote seMeare.
<br />b. Mobilize: Engage in efforts to serve others and effect positive community impact. Youth participate in leadership teams to organizo community service
<br />projects.
<br />KidWorks' ovorarnhing goals are that:
<br />1. Young people develop the confidence, values, social competencies, and self identity to reach their potential.
<br />2. Young people are provided with a clear path and support toward higher education and a future career.
<br />3. Young people gain knowledge, compassion, and skills to give back to their community.
<br />Over the two-year grant period, the After School Program expects to serve 400 K-12'h grade students each year, Expected outcomes of the program are:
<br />Personal Development
<br />At least 75% of students display "life ready" skills, such as empathy, decision -making, and conflict resolution. (Compared to a national average of 42% of
<br />youth as researched by the Search Institute.)
<br />At least 75% of students believe their life has purpose. (Compared to a national average of 63% of youth as researched by the Search Institute.)
<br />College and Career Readiness
<br />At least 95% of intermediate and high school students graduate on -time. (Compared to Santa Ana Unified School District's high school graduation rate of
<br />88%fo' r socio-economically disadvantaged youth and a national high school gruduoti(n. rate of 71 % of Latino youth according to the Pow institute.)
<br />At least 90% of high school graduates enroll in college or vocational training.
<br />Leadership Development
<br />At least 70% of students feet empowered with useful roles and responsibilities. (Compared to a national average of 32% of youth as researched by the
<br />Search Institute.)
<br />At least 70% of students believe that theyare helping make their community a better place. (Compared to a national average of 50% of youth as
<br />researched by the Search Institute.)
<br />2. Target Population
<br />KidWorks serves families living in poverty and challenged neighborhoods of central Santa Ana. Among US cities, Santa Ana is the 4th most densely
<br />populated city and ranks 5th in having the highest level of rent burden (64% of households spend more than 30% of their income on housing according to
<br />An Equity Profile of Orange County, 2019).
<br />The per capita income in the census tract (748.02) of the Dan Donahue Center (KidWorks' headquarters) is $14,652. This is about two-thirds of the
<br />amount in Santa Ana: ($20,867) and about one-third of the amount in Orange County: ($41,514). Furthermore, because of the high levels of rent burden
<br />on families in Santa Ana, it is common for two to three families to live in one household so that they can afford even a small apartment. With regard to
<br />educational attaimuent, 50.6%of families have a parent who graduated from high school and 11.1%have obtained at least a Bachelor's degree (ACS,
<br />2019).
<br />With regard to race and ethnicity, 99%of families served by KidWorks are Latino and 1%of families ore Asian, which is representative of the overall
<br />racial and ethnic demographics in the service area. 20
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