(2) That portion of your work otitof"Whiah the Injury or damage ariseshas been put to Its ihtOhded use by any
<br />person Or organization other than another contractor or subcontractor engaged in p6rFarrhing.Qperations for a
<br />principal asa, part of the dame project.
<br />Ill. With respect to the Insurance afforded tothese additional insureds, the following is added to SECTION V- LIMITS
<br />The. most we WRI pay, on behalf of the 4idditl6nallaso red is the amount of Insurance:
<br />1. RaqQlted by the contractor agreement described In Pa(soraph.1J., Or
<br />2, Avlaflablo under the a l[i3�ablplir,,qitsbfingUtanoe'
<br />whoheve,r is less.
<br />This bnOaMemOritOhall not, lnorftsejho applicable, limits bf fn$uranda,
<br />IV. With taspsJol' to'the inauhanicb afforded to these additional Insureds, the following is ad_d6d to -SECTION VI —
<br />1. Duties _=!AAdditional Insured
<br />Ana-0dIfignal lnsurodmust see ,tajtlthaf;
<br />a. We are Ndfffied In -writing as,#bonr.agpracbicablObf an occurrence or Offerse'which tt*y result 1h 4 claim or
<br />stilt'.
<br />b. W6.baodiva Writterf notice Of atkiliff ss,preotib#ble; and
<br />c. Meqa.6st for b6f6rise and.indenlnity of the clafirilcirsuit will .prorptlytie bro.uoht.a4,aihgtarty 'pbllQyissued :by
<br />dhWeir Ihdur6f',UhddewhOh4he scidition'W'frisu'r6d tria.y,bb ah Insured Ifir 6hy capacity. This pFbvlsl&h does not
<br />Whloftthb additional iriturdif is a' Named Insured, if,the:6orrtr6dt of, agreement requir6t
<br />that this c6var.d§&be prirrWy and ndboontributoig,,
<br />V. SECTION Vill �CONDITIM 110_- Other1nsurance is amended by the addition of the following which.supersedes any
<br />provision to:theoontrarya
<br />Primary And Noncontributory insurance
<br />"Tiqla, insurance !.;a priffikiiry to and, will not seal dobtributo-ri frdrn any other Irrsuranbe available 'to a Magn(i§) or
<br />org arl" lz slid, h(s)'itioluded'as-an a0dilidogi linisuirod un er this endgrsertl nt p(Joyided that-
<br />1. The additional insured person(s) or organization(sy is a. Named Insured under such other Insurance; and
<br />21 You have agreed In wrlfing in a contractor agreement, In effect during -this. policy period, that Phis insurance would
<br />be prImary,and would not seek contribution from any other insurance available to the additional insured person(s)
<br />or tirganization(s), Such contract oragreement must be executed and h effebt,,prlbr to, tine: performance of your
<br />work which is the subject of such contract oregreement,
<br />HPwover.1his pr
<br />an additional im
<br />spomfloj Primary
<br />Or
<br />VI. This eridores-MOnt does not apply to an additional insured Whoh. has. bOdneddeO to this policy by - an, end , O'ns , ement
<br />showing the additional. insured in a SCHEDULE. of additional lins(ftfet.ls, and -Which endorsement applies to that
<br />designated 80ditlohal.insiffied,
<br />ar
<br />• ftwfio&Amovm9r.
<br />7W AMON
<br />R¢ W.. 9 . . t Car INtic
<br />FOP 12,46 01,21 Iftcludies dooyffghted moterigil of lmrrance,SeNces MOO, Inq., u§e4wit4 itspprimisslim Peae 2 of 2
<br />