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65. Ordinance Relating to Lobbyist Disclosure Policy <br />Department(s): Clerk of the Council Office <br />Recommended Action: Approve the first reading of an ordinance to implement a <br />Lobbyist Registration Policy. Provide staff direction for registration and penalty fees. <br />66. Direct Staff to Place a Proposed Santa Ana Business License Tax Equity and <br />Flexible Tax Holiday Voter Ballot Measure for Public Consideration at the November <br />8, 2022 General Municipal Election; Adopt a Resolution, Authorize and Designate <br />City Councilmembers to File an Argument; Direct City Attorney to File an Impartial <br />Analysis; and Other Related Documents Calling for a General Municipal Election and <br />Consolidating it with the Statewide General Election <br />Department(s): Finance and Management Services <br />Recommended Action: 1. Resolution No. 2022-XXX — Adopt a Resolution of the <br />City Council of the City of Santa Ana calling for the placement on the ballot of a <br />measure for the November 8, 2022 General Municipal Election for the submission to <br />the qualified voters of a proposed Ordinance regarding a business license tax equity <br />and flexible tax holiday measure and providing for the filing of Argument and Rebuttal <br />Statements. <br />2. Request that the Board of Supervisors of Orange County Consolidate the City's <br />General Municipal Election with the Statewide General Election. <br />3. Authorize the filing of Arguments and Rebuttals. <br />a. Designate up to five (5) Councilmembers to author an Argument and Rebuttal <br />Statement. <br />4. Direct the City Attorney to prepare an Impartial Analysis. <br />5. Direct the Clerk of the Council to publish legal notices as required by law. <br />**END OF BUSINESS CALENDAR** <br />PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS — Members of the public may address the City Council on each of the <br />Public Hearing items. <br />67. Public Hearing - The City of Santa Ana is Proposing to Repeal Article XII (Off - <br />Premise Commercial Advertising Signs) of Chapter 41 (Zoning) of the Santa Ana <br />Municipal Code (SAMC) and Adopt a New Ordinance that Would Allow the <br />Construction of New Digital Billboards and Reconstruction of Existing Billboards with <br />Digital Displays, Subject to Certain Location and Development Standards <br />Legal notice published in the Orange County Reporter on June 10, 2022. <br />Page 25 6/21 /2022 <br />