Laserfiche WebLink
Exclusions c. through n. do not apply to damage <br />by fire to premises while rented to you or tempo- <br />rarily occupied by you with permission of the <br />owner. A separate limit of insurance applies to this <br />coverage as described in Section III — Limits Of <br />Insurance. <br />COVERAGE B PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING <br />INJURY LIABILITY <br />1. Insuring Agreement <br />a. We will pay those sums that the insured be- <br />comes legally obligated to pay as damages <br />because of "personal and advertising injury" to <br />which this insurance applies. We will have the <br />right and duty to defend the insured against <br />any "suit" seeking those damages. However, <br />we will have no duty to defend the insured <br />against any "suit" seeking damages for "per- <br />sonal and advertising injury" to which this in- <br />surance does not apply. We may, at our discre- <br />tion, investigate any offense and settle any <br />claim or "suit" that may result. But: <br />(1) The amount we will pay for damages is <br />limited as described in Section III — Limits <br />Of Insurance; and <br />(2) Our right and duty to defend end when we <br />have used up the applicable limit of insur- <br />ance in the payment of judgments or set- <br />tlements under Coverages A or B or medi- <br />cal expenses under Coverage C. <br />No other obligation or liability to pay sums or <br />perform acts or services is covered unless ex- <br />plicitly provided for under Supplementary Pay- <br />ments — Coverages A and B. <br />b. This insurance applies to "personal and adver- <br />tising injury" caused by an offense arising out <br />of your business but only if the offense was <br />committed in the "coverage territory" during the <br />policy period. <br />2. Exclusions <br />This insurance does not apply to: <br />a. Knowing Violation Of Rights Of Another <br />"Personal and advertising injury" caused by or <br />at the direction of the insured with the knowl- <br />edge that the act would violate the rights of an- <br />other and would inflict "personal and advertis- <br />ing injury". <br />b. Material Published With Knowledge Of <br />Falsity <br />c. Material Published Prior To Policy Period <br />"Personal and advertising injury" arising out of <br />oral or written publication of material whose <br />first publication took place before the beginning <br />of the policy period. <br />d. Criminal Acts <br />"Personal and advertising injury" arising out of <br />a criminal act committed by or at the direction <br />of the insured. <br />e. Contractual Liability <br />"Personal and advertising injury" for which the <br />insured has assumed liability in a contract or <br />agreement. This exclusion does not apply to li- <br />ability for damages that the insured would have <br />in the absence of the contract or agreement. <br />f. Breach Of Contract <br />"Personal and advertising injury" arising out of <br />a breach of contract, except an implied con- <br />tract to use another's advertising idea in your <br />"advertisement". <br />g. Quality Or Performance Of Goods — Failure <br />To Conform To Statements <br />"Personal and advertising injury" arising out of <br />the failure of goods, products or services to <br />conform with any statement of quality or per- <br />formance made in your "advertisement". <br />h. Wrong Description Of Prices <br />"Personal and advertising injury" arising out of <br />the wrong description of the price of goods, <br />products or services stated in your "advertise- <br />ment". <br />I. Infringement Of Copyright, Patent, <br />Trademark Or Trade Secret <br />"Personal and advertising injury" arising out of <br />the infringement of copyright, patent, trade- <br />mark, trade secret or other intellectual property <br />rights. Under this exclusion, such other Intellec- <br />tual property rights do not include the use of <br />another's advertising idea in your "advertise- <br />ment". <br />However, this exclusion does not apply to in- <br />fringement, in your "advertisement", of copy- <br />right, trade dress or slogan. <br />j. Insureds In Media And Internet Type <br />Businesses <br />"Personal and advertising injury" committed by <br />an insured whose business is: <br />"Personal and advertising injury" arising out of 1 Adisin <br />oral or written publication of material, if done by ()vertg, broadcastin g, publishing or <br />telecasting; <br />or at the direction of the insured with knowl- <br />edge of its falsity. (2) Designing or determining content of web - <br />sites for others; or <br />r �� Ridtntvgeno,tRAWmb <br />&Nvpovm�v: <br />S ' 7W P&WO <br />Ihth M.ufe9rn v%.CIpYc6Aitic <br />Page 6 of 16 © ISO Properties, Inc., 2006 ._ <br />