4.4. Choice School Program Insurance. MWDOC agrees that all agreements with consultants, who
<br />will be performing the work on behalf of MWDOC, will include appropriate insurance levels
<br />and requirements. When MWDOC requires a consultant's insurer to name MWDOC, its
<br />directors, officers, agents, employees, attorneys, consultants and volunteers as additional
<br />insureds, the same requirement will be made for the City and its Council, officers, agents,
<br />employees, attorneys, consultants and volunteers. Other protections in MWDOC's insurance
<br />requirements, including waiver of subrogation rights, will also be extended to the City when
<br />practicable.
<br />5. The Water Emergency Response Organization of Orange County ("WEROC")
<br />5.1.1. The City of Santa Ana is signatory to the 1983 Orange County Volunteer
<br />Emergency Preparedness Organization Agreement which was Amended in 1991 to change
<br />the name to WEROC (MWDOC Board Resolution 1623). MWDOC provides the overall staff
<br />and support for WEROC and has historically allocated the costs for WEROC among
<br />MWDOC, Orange County Water District, the Cities of Anaheim, Fullerton, and Santa Ana,
<br />the Orange County Sanitation District and the South Orange County Wastewater Authority.
<br />The purpose of WEROC is to support the resiliency of Orange County's 36 water and
<br />wastewater agencies, and the community of 3.2 million people it serves by working with
<br />these agencies and the County to build, sustain, and improve the capability to mitigate
<br />against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from threatened or actual natural disasters, acts
<br />of terrorism, or other man-made disasters. Services include preparedness and response
<br />coordination for mutual aid and other services and to represent water and wastewater entities
<br />within the Orange County Operational Area. In order to build the relationships needed for
<br />effective response, WEROC works with MWDOC member agencies, Metropolitan, the
<br />County Operational Area, the State Office of Emergency Services, Department of Water
<br />Resources, EPA, FEMA and other emergency organization partners throughout the year to
<br />educate, network, provide training and when required advocate for water and wastewater
<br />agencies. WEROC staff works with its member agencies and the City on emergency plans
<br />and standard operating procedure development, review of state and federal required trainings
<br />for grant eligibility, disaster readiness, disaster exercise development, grant identification and
<br />applications and response and recovery coordination. WEROC provides information sharing
<br />and resource coordination when disasters impact the water and wastewater utilities of Orange
<br />County. Lastly, WEROC staff maintains a primary emergency operation center and alternate
<br />emergency operations center, its own response plans and ensures the WEROC radio
<br />communications system partnership with the County 800 MHz system remain intact.
<br />5.1.2. By executing this Agreement, the City elects to participate in WEROC and
<br />MWDOC will charge the City a percentage of WEROC's annual budget to fund WEROC
<br />operations. The historical percentage allocated is 3.8% and is based on historical negotiations
<br />among the WEROC funding partners. In January of each year of the City's participation, the
<br />proposed program budget and funding agency charges will be submitted to the City for
<br />budgetary consideration. If approved by the City, MWDOC will invoice the City the
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