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Correspondence- #25
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
10/04/2022 Special and Regular
Correspondence- #25
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Honorable Mayor and City Council Persons <br />City of Santa Ana <br />Hearing: October 4, 2022; Item: 25 <br />September 30, 2022 <br />Page 3 of 11 <br />IMPLEMENTATION PLAN <br />Equal Protection <br />In the most recent City presentation, the City refers owners and landlords to their own legal counsel, <br />saying "we are not attorneys, we cannot give legal advice." This effectively deprives owners and <br />landlords with the City's interpretation of the Rent Stabilization Ordinance and Just Cause Eviction <br />Ordinance —effectively refusing to respond to owners and landlords, while responding to residents' <br />questions.3 However, they include and provide counsel to residents —including both with City staff and <br />guest speaker attorneys, and even solicit resident complaints about enforcement. <br />Procedural Due Process <br />Further, the owners of mobilehome parks are not being provided equal protection under the law in the <br />composition of the Rental Housing Board. The Staff Report outlines the RSG's Long -Term <br />Implementation Plan and includes four options for the composition of the Board. Of note, of the proposed <br />compositions, only Options I and 4 allow for parity between the composition of tenant representation <br />and owner representation. Each option expressly calls out that one of the tenant representatives to be <br />from a mobilehomes parks; but none of the options call out that one of the owner representatives should <br />be from the ownership/management of a mobilehome park. The end result is that of the 30 mobilehome <br />parks within the City, the residents will have a representative on the RSG board, but the park owners <br />who represent over 3900 mobilehome spaces will have no representation. Given the uniqueness of <br />mobilehome park laws, operations and issues, both sides, tenants and park owners/operators should have <br />equal representation on the Board, and other jurisdictions typically provide a separate rent board <br />specifically for mobilehome rent review.4 <br />DEFINITIONS <br />In review of the Definition section leading into the newly proposed and combined RS/JCE <br />Ordinance, the following comments and recommendations are made to eliminate the conflicts with <br />California existing law as they relate to mobilehome parks, reduce the potential for taking of private <br />property, and eliminate vagueness and confusion: <br />A. Section 8-3102 — Definitions: "Rent" — the definition of rent is vague and ambiguous and <br />conflicts with and is preempted by the Mobilehome Residency Law, Civil Code § 798 et seq in <br />that (i) utilities are expressly governed and billed by mobilehome park owners under the <br />Mobilehome Residency Law, (ii) incidental service charges, including charges for items such as <br />rental of extra parking space, or for the park owner to perform services to the tenant, are governed <br />by the Mobilehome Residency Law and are not and should not be considered "rent", (iii) many <br />utilities in mobilehome parks are separately billed (either through metering services or through <br />proportionate share of the cost) by the mobilehome park owner to the tenant and such should not <br />be considered rent that is capped in its increases; and (iv) laws applicable to mobilehome parks <br />expressly provide for the pass through of certain charges and expenditures such as <br />'See Screenshot Attached as Attachment A; <br />4 See, e.g. Chula Vista Municipal Code Chapter 2.31: "Mobilehome Rent Review Commission." <br />Kingsley — 426 Santa Ana Ordinances <br />
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