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Santa Ana. CA 92702-198 8 <br />IF ax: 714- 647.056 <br />With colirtfty impitS Ib: <br />Ex=tive Director, PKCSA <br />City or Santa Ana <br />20 Civi,. Cemier ?1= (M-23) <br />P.0_ Box 1988 <br />Santa Ana, Califomia 92702 <br />To Consultant: <br />ccntamanl Inc. <br />Atm: alike Korbel, Pmidenr <br />600 Vc+_ Jac ksnn BucIletiard, &k5cc 100 <br />Chicago. iL 6(i61 <br />Phone: 312-882-9849 <br />With eonrL y x0et; 16: Mik c:rnlamanxmn <br />A Party may Oangc its addirm by giving notice in writimg ro the other Party. ncrmfter, <br />any communication shall be addressed Llrtd Irarr=ittt!d to rho new addr _ If 5em by mail, <br />cotmEmunicalion shall be -effective or dew Lo have bccn givcn 1hrce (3) days after it has bfth <br />rit:�osited in the Urdwd States mail., duty mgislcrcd or ifLcd, with posmpe prepaid, and <br />added &-9 sot foah nb�Dvc- For pure of calculating flicsc iirrw frumey, wctktin,ds, federal, <br />state. Courtly or City holidays shall be exeludtx9_ <br />20, DISPUTE RESOLMON <br />The Ponies desire to quickly and cwt-efFrlively rew.lvc any di�ipulcs related to the <br />iritcrpittation or Lnf*rcerneul. of thim Agmc ment, Th,ereroro. ewli Party shall make btNL of prt_4 to <br />petsutvc any s ac h dispules infiormally. If cbe Pmlies are able to agree on ffie term_~ and prr='dures <br />for mediation, the Parties may a that info nal resnluri m attempts wiIt incIudc mediation of <br />My sUcls-iiVklle. If, FIDE Icss Than thirry (30) ca[undar days aficr firsl making goad faith inibnml <br />atwmptsto m5ollvc any such dispute, the informal attempts have been kmakz=ful Ur, it'thc Panics <br />havc agreed to mediation, alter termination -OT cxmpletion uF mediation without resolul ion of the <br />dispute, either Puny may thereafter initiate litigation or other proceedings as doernod apptvpriaL-m <br />:by fiuuh Party. <br />21. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS <br />aj. Each undrriigmnd represcnls and warrants that its signature herein, be ow has nc': <br />power, auffindty and right to bind Their mpective Panie� io emh or LhIoC tcnns of <br />this emem, and shall irhd rnft'Lly City fW ty, includirg reasonable mks and <br />anomey's fees, for any injuries or damages to Cite in Elie event Thal such auchDrity <br />or power is not, in fact, held by Elbe sigratory or i wilhdeawn_ <br />b- The Agr"Fnivnt is th-a tidal ant! L0111.1'11CLC _I r'ddFnr9YL anJ any pritw or17 <br />P;3� t I1 -3f 12 <br />City Council 8 — 15 11/1/2022 <br />