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t~ inan c in I Trac king <br />The Oty ot`Soma Ana utilizes Inror Lawson General Ledger System and Syscm Innovators Nowah Cashiering <br />Sysum l�w its revertue tracking zind rimonitorinrg. Tie &P must share flan nc Lai data with the C ity's WovaJh systcrn, <br />Please nocc, Novah can aocept paymenm via its (w6 based) ATM in itieal-time -or through a File imporri- Novah <br />aJsu has an Export to Lawson which can be levcmged once the Voyments reside In ruwah. <br />Thr systcrn shou Id. also be able to tL it ize the C.ity's existing merchanl pruvider Chase Puymm" h for online and <br />in person payments, In persm care! NyMents FnW( utitiV.e a MIF rertiritd solution to Chase f ayrnarltech to <br />reduce the L' i tVs PCI :ape. <br />The new Ti"dineg system must also have a way tp track rcvcnk s for (and between} the Santa Arta Zoo and the <br />Friends ofthe Santa Ana Zm- The desired intent is to integrate the di-sparatc admission systems of the Santa Arm <br />Ttx) (City) and Friends of the Santa Ana Zoo (a nan-prarl fovri,datiun) irrlu One cumpmknsivc ticketing systerrr <br />that will integrate with the City's Novah Cashiering Sys m. This will prow i4c a scam Icsa experience for v'O itttrs <br />and the best picture of drvenues aerotA the Facility - <br />Tilt: rmancial uvcklrr�, rxartlon o f Lhr- tickehllg L ygw TI c ap6i I ( tics should Include, but mar be lim ited to, all of the <br />ful Iowi ng= <br />. Allow for two differeml merchant accoum nurmbers w track nrvenut Mre.rMS hetiviten d;c two entities � Zoo <br />and Friends of Santa Ana Zoo). <br />2, Allow the two payment streams ter b-c iied Ira ihr varitm5 payrrwnt malhods including. but rtat Iln1IWd io: in- <br />permn walk -Up ticket kiosk_ ia,l i nr orb inLerfne. and staff inanaged �05. Payment forms may include <br />cmh, credit card$. dcbit -cards. cotitactle5s paymenk. checks, and purchaw orders- <br />c, A built-in finan,eW c�pert "enginc-` that aIJOWS financial data export Lo ihre Citw's external Jnffir Lawson <br />general tcd�cr system on a real-time basis- <br />4. The systcml should also be able to udtize the City's rmsting merihant provider (:hasr Paynlentech for onlift <br />and in pumn paymrntx. <br />S- AbiI'Liy to miincain Level 3 PCI-DSS (Psymcat Card IrWwtitiv Dala Security Standard) compl---awe and <br />lrrensmil encwwd credit Card inforrnad-Dn. <br />6- In perscin -varii pihyrrrcnt5 must uti I izc a V FE certified soIrkion lU Whose Pakrricntech t{r redurc the t_:it�'s <br />PC -scope, T <br />7. AbiIityto lrugnte with System innovators' Novah, the 'ity`s Enterprise Rcvcnuc Management system, to <br />push revenue from rh-t Zoe, intij- Nowah 5a the same rinareial reparis can be used throu0iout the -City. <br />8- Suppurt next dAy reversals form the new system through INovah. <br />9- Abiaity to operate nn Ca$h Or accrual accounting basis, <br />1 C, Abil its• to manage cQvNp vodcs — inc lading cr+cation of coupon code_ inwkirtg usage, and qual ify ing hoage <br />based on customer, niax number of aIiowabie usr� POS ilern, Fncmhcnhip. -arid tickets, <br />11, Ability to report wage om cuupoLM- <br />l1- Suppon iieferred revenue wcounrs for revenues coIkTled, but not rccogniUd until future periads and <br />par vl.r c a mpori tbat Mates tlrc dercrred amount and date w1wri the revtrnue will be recognixt'd. <br />13, All-pw cvcra mscrvotian or.Erokip rescrvalion &-posits to be placed. irrctudMg a parti41 pa),nrcnt at the time <br />of a reservation booking and collection of the remaining halancc thcreafter- <br />If. Allow collection, of pa% moll by -cash, check. credit card. coupon, or also "from acc,,,,iiil - I"11 4 !i,iomer ha." <br />a c red hg l�nrr <br />11 /1 /2022� <br />CeLy of Saniia ,pia RFF 22-008 <br />Page 18 <br />