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centaman <br />a ivers <br />Begin ning 20Z2, Centaman added a Wa iver rn odule to our software. Thi s featu re is opt Iona I, a nd the <br />fee is not included in pricing. Waiver& ar-a stored and marho ged Omite locally via tustumer's <br />infrastructure- This feature will altowwaivers for th-e following c15e cases: <br />o" On] i r4-in Bo-oking - Th-e M i Iler NMI Iy si:g r%s up orili ne for a qu Ided tO uF <br />V G roUp Book I n 9 M a ry. a teach err, books a s+thool field trip wi th box lu rich es <br />Onsite Booking - When I arrive at the park, I sign up fpr my child's birthday part+ <br />No Booking - Soliaand her friend5YiSiting and will decide what to do when tl4ey arfiv-e <br />1: <br />City Council 8 — 40 11/1/2022 <br />