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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br />A notary public or othar offtcor completing this certificate veriflos only the Identity of the Individual who <br />signed the documant to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of <br />thstdocumdnt. <br />STATE OF CAL(190 V fU IA <br />COUNTY Of' 01U1 N Gf — ) <br />On �t r 2 0 �� before me, _MT(e V « Notary Pyybic personally <br />appearedlM'fj CIA MAV—&iqt CECC Mt7fifZIS;OPU,,"M (VeFf 8,-MIC, EMS, Proved tome <br />on the basis of satisfactory evidence the persons) whose namv(s) Is r ubseribed to the within Instrument and <br />ealcnawl g@d to mat hofsha tf fra�Yxoautsd the same In his/ho )heiuthorized aapacity(ias), and that by <br />his/her.ihaii' �ignatrtre(�n the insvument kilo person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the persons) acted, <br />execute ire Instrument, <br />I certify under PENALTY OP PERJURY under the laws of the State Of California that the foregoing paragraph Is true <br />and correct. <br />WITNESS my hand and official seal. <br />7 ^ fir► <br />IurIE qulcx <br />Notary C111C 1 CalNornia <br />~ q 4os Angyta Ies Counttyy <br />Cammissia" d 2358A33 <br />My Comm, Expires 45Y 10, 2025 ~ <br />