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Planning and Building Agency <br /> <br />Item # 6 <br />City of Santa Ana <br />20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />Staff Report <br />December 6, 2022 <br />TOPIC: 2022-2023 Historic Resources Commission Historic Preservation Work Program <br />AGENDA TITLE: <br />2022-2023 Historic Resources Commission Historic Preservation Work Program <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION <br />Receive and file the Historic Preservation Work Program for 2022-2023 as <br />recommended by the Historic Resources Commission. <br />DISCUSSION <br />In 2020, a process for communication between the Historic Resources Commission <br />(HRC) and the City Council was established to communicate feedback related to <br />various historic items and issues. The process involved a series of workshops to <br />discuss issues that the HRC desired to advise and make recommendations on in order <br />to enhance the historic preservation program within the City. At the conclusion of the <br />workshops, staff collected the concerns and formalized them into a memorandum <br />outlining a list of historic resources recommendations for City Council consideration. <br />Staff presented the memorandum to the City Council on April 7, 2020. At that time, the <br />City Council held a discussion and directed staff to return and present a course of action <br />for each HRC recommendation based on the City Council's input. <br />As a follow up to the 2020 process, the HRC conducted several workshops with <br />Planning and Building agency staff to discuss additional recommendations to the City <br />Council. The HRC desires to present the list to the City Council as a recommendation <br />for a formal Historic Preservation Work Program for the upcoming year. The purpose of <br />the Work Program is to systematically prioritize the implementation of the measures in <br />the newly adopted Historic Preservation Element, as well as the HRC's goals and <br />recommendations, and to track their progress and completion. <br />Some of the work programs discussed are procedural and administrative in nature and <br />can be addressed by the HRC and staff. However, other work program components <br />require confirmation and authorization from the City Council to align the Work Program <br />with the City Council's priorities. At the HRC meeting on November 3, 2022, the HRC <br />provided final input and directed staff to submit the attached memorandum to the City <br />Council for review and consideration. <br />City Council 6-1 12/6/2022 <br />