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DocuSign Envelope ID: FA12C758-3EF4-45F3-BODF-724674D71270 <br />081419-CDW <br />• Customer Contact Name; <br />• Customer Contact Email Address; <br />• Customer Contact Telephone Number; <br />• Sourcewell Assigned Entity/Member Number; <br />• Item Purchased Description; <br />• Item Purchased Price; <br />• Sourcewell Administrative Fee Applied; and <br />• Date Purchase was invoiced/sale was recognized as revenue by Vendor. <br />B. ADMINISTRATIVE FEE. In consideration for the support and services provided by Sourcewell, <br />the Vendor will pay an administrative fee to Sourcewell on all Equipment, Products, and <br />Services provided to Members. The Vendor will submit a check payable to Sourcewell for the <br />percentage of administrative fee stated in the Proposal multiplied by the total sales of all <br />Equipment, Products, and Services purchased by Members under this Contract during each <br />calendar quarter. Payments should note the Sourcewell-assigned contract number in the memo <br />and must be mailed to the address above "Attn: Accounts Receivable." Payments must be <br />received no later than forty-five (45) calendar days after the end of each calendar quarter. <br />Vendor agrees to cooperate with Sourcewell in auditing transactions under this Contract to <br />ensure that the administrative fee is paid on all items purchased under this Contract. <br />In the event the Vendor is delinquent in any undisputed administrative fees, Sourcewell <br />reserves the right to cancel this Contract and reject any proposal submitted by the Vendor in <br />any subsequent solicitation. In the event this Contract is cancelled by either party prior to the <br />Contract's expiration date, the administrative fee payment will be due no more than thirty (30) <br />days from the cancellation date. <br />9. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE <br />Sourcewell's Authorized Representative is its Chief Procurement Officer. <br />Vendor's Authorized Representative is the person named in the Vendor's Proposal. If Vendor's <br />Authorized Representative changes at any time during this Contract, Vendor must promptly <br />notify Sourcewell in writing. <br />10. ASSIGNMENT, AMENDMENTS, WAIVER, AND CONTRACT COMPLETE <br />A. ASSIGNMENT. Neither the Vendor nor Sourcewell may assign or transfer any rights or <br />obligations under this Contract without the prior consent of the parties and a fully executed <br />assignment agreement. Such consent will not be unreasonably withheld. <br />B. AMENDMENTS. Any amendment to this Contract must be in writing and will not be effective <br />until it has been fully executed by the parties. <br />7 <br />City tt 6uncil 7-9 12/6/2022 <br />