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DocuSign Envelope ID: FA12C758-3EF4-45F3-BODF-724674D71270 <br />22 List any GSA contracts that you hold. What is CDW•G holds the GSA Schedule Contract: 47QTCA18D004K, open to all federal and civilian <br />the annual sales volume for each of these agencies, state and local agencies, and public schools. <br />contracts over the past three years? Annual sales volume for the past three full years:2018: <br />$142,600,688 <br />2017: $133,866,901 <br />2016: $142,939,903 <br />References/Testimonials <br />Line Item 23. <br />Entity Name * <br />Contact Name * <br />Phone Number* <br />Elk Grove Unified School District <br />Todd Barber <br />916.686.7710 ext.68051 <br />City of Chattanooga <br />Matthew McDarmont <br />423.643.6339 <br />University of Colorado <br />Duane Tucker <br />303.764.3453 <br />Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario <br />Andy Green <br />613.533.6000 ext. 32175 <br />City of Swift Current, Saskatchewan <br />Dwayne Levoie <br />306.778.2708 <br />Top Five Government or Education Customers <br />Line Item 24. Provide a list ofyourtop five government, education, or non-profit customers (entity name is optional), including entity type, the <br />state or province the entity is located in, scope of the project(s), size of transaction(s), and dollar volumes from the past three years. <br />Entity Name <br />Entity Type * <br />State / <br />Scope of Work * <br />Size of Transactions * <br />Dollar Volume Past Three <br />Province * <br />Years * <br />Georgia <br />Education <br />Georgia - GA <br />1. Software 2. Netcom <br />19,107 orders ranging in <br />$23,575,763 <br />Institute of <br />Products 3. Notebooks/Mobile <br />size from large to small <br />Technology <br />Devices <br />invoiced at various dates <br />throughout contract year <br />Florida <br />Education <br />Florida - FL <br />1. NetComm Products 2. <br />5,701 orders ranging in size <br />$18,026,658 <br />International <br />Desktop Computers 3. Software <br />from large to small invoiced <br />University <br />at various dates throughout <br />contract year <br />University of <br />Education <br />Washington - WA <br />1. Software 2. Services (partner <br />2,936 orders ranging in size <br />$17,731,256 <br />Washington <br />delivered) 3. NetComm Product <br />from large to small invoiced <br />at various dates throughout <br />contract year <br />Clarksville- Montg <br />Education <br />Tennessee - TN <br />1. Notebook/Mobile Devices 2. <br />331 orders ranging in size <br />$17,569,029 <br />County Schools <br />NetComm Products 3. Video and <br />from large to small invoiced <br />Audio <br />at various dates throughout <br />contract year <br />Valverde <br />Education <br />California - CA <br />1. Notebooks/Mobile Devices 2. <br />1,992 orders ranging in size <br />$13,029,947 <br />Unified School <br />Desktop Computers 3. <br />from large to small invoiced <br />District <br />Software <br />at various dates throughout <br />contract year <br />Ability to Sell and Deliver Service Nationwide <br />Describe your company's capability to meet the needs of Sourcewell Members across the US, and Canada if applicable.Your response should address in <br />detail at least the following areas: locations of your network of sales and service providers, the number of workers (full-time equivalents) involved in each <br />sector, whether these workers are your direct employees (or employees of a third party), and any overlap between the sales and service functions. <br />Line <br />Item Question Response <br />City Council 7 — 30 12/6/2022 <br />