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December 20, 2022 <br />SAFER Appeal No. 2022-01 of Garry Avenue Business Park Planning Commission Approval <br />City Council Agenda Item 41 (Amendment Application No. 2022-01; Conditional Use Permit No. 2022-14) <br />Page 5 of 5 <br />[F]or evaluating projects with a post 2020 horizon, the threshold will need to be <br />revised based on a new gap analysis that would examine 17 development and <br />reduction potentials out to the next GHG reduction milestone. <br />(Id., pp. 8-9 [citations omitted].) Because it is currently October 2022, thresholds for 2020 are <br />not applicable to the proposed Project and should be revised to reflect the current GHG <br />reduction target. (Id., p. 9.) As a result, the SCAQMD bright -line threshold of 3,000 MT <br />CO2e/year is outdated and inapplicable to the proposed Project, and the [Exemption <br />Checklist's] less -than -significant GHG impact conclusion should not be relied upon. (Exhibit A, <br />p. 9.) Instead, SWAPE recommends "that the Project apply the SCAQMD 2035 service <br />population efficiency target of 3.0 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents per service <br />population per year ("MT CO2e/SP/year"), which was calculated by applying a 40% reduction <br />to the 2020 targets." (Id.) <br />To more accurately determine the Project's GHG emissions, SWAPE prepared an <br />updated air model using the project -specific information provided by the EA (See, id., pp. 9- <br />10.) SWAPE's updated analysis demonstrates that the Project would emit approximately 14.6 <br />MT CO2e/SP/year. (Id.) Therefore, the Project's service population efficiency value exceeds the <br />SCAQMD 2035 efficiency target of 3.0 MT CO2e/SP/year, indicating a potentially significant <br />GHG impact not previously identified or addressed by the EA or GPU PEIR. Thus, SWAPE's <br />model demonstrates that the Project would result in a significant GHG impact, which requires <br />the City to prepare a ND or supplemental EIR. <br />Because the Project may have potentially significant greenhouse gas impacts that were <br />not analyzed in the 2022 GPU PEIR, additional CEQA review is required. (14 CCR § 15183 <br />(b)(2)) <br />III. CONCLUSION <br />For the foregoing reasons, SAFER requests that the Planning Commission deny the <br />applications for the Project and, instead, direct city staff to prepare the necessary environmental <br />documents under CEQA. The City should prepare an initial study followed by an EIR or <br />negative declaration in accordance with CEQA prior to consideration of approvals for the <br />Project. <br />Sincerely, <br />Ar�� e � <br />f � µ <br />Victoria Yundt <br />LOZEAU I DRURY LLP <br />