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City Response to Melinda Luthin and William Stevens Letters Dated December 20, 2022 <br />pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15183. Pursuant to California Public Resources Code <br />(PRC) Section 21083.3 and State CEQA Guidelines Section 15183, projects that are "consistent <br />with the development density established by the existing zoning, community plan or general plan <br />policies for which an EIR was certified shall not require additional environmental review, except <br />as might be necessary to examine whether there are project -specific significant effects which are <br />peculiar to the project or its site." As detailed in the Environmental Impact section of this report, <br />the project was fully evaluated to determine if there are any project -specific significant effects <br />which are peculiar to the project or its site, and none were subsequently determined. Therefore, <br />the Section 15183 exemption prepared for the project is the appropriate form of environmental <br />review. The exemption is attached to the report as Exhibit 10 and a complete response to this is <br />contained in Exhibit 13 to the staff report. <br />Comment 2: This comment states that memo of the GPOPA own_ an easement-whtc <br />crisscrosses approximately 40% of the developer's buildable area. The location of the GPOPA <br />easement upon.the developer's property is specifically fixed in the easement language, and may <br />not be relocated without the consent of GPOPA Members and sale of their easement interest. <br />The developer's building plans rely on the release of the GPOPA easement interest. Such release <br />or agreement has not been approved by the GPOPA Members at this time, and consequently <br />developer's application is premature until the parties can reach a firm agreement. <br />Response 2: See response to Melinda Luthin's Comment 6, above. Moreover, the resolution for <br />the CUP has been conditioned to require proof of modification of any easements affected by the <br />project to be submitted prior to issuance of a building permit to construct the project. Without such <br />evidence, building permits may not be issued. Mr. Stevens asserts that the parties are working to <br />possibly m'ke such an agreement; this is a private matter between the two parties. <br />Comment.3: This com <br />ment states that staff report packet is missing pages from the application, <br />including the submittal affidavit, and that the applicant's authority to submit the application is <br />unclear. <br />Response 3: See response to Melinda Luthin's Comment 5, above. <br />Comment 4: This comment challenges the applicant's and staffs analyses of the five required <br />findings of fact to grant a CUP, pursuant to Santa Ana Municipal Code (SAMC) Section 41-638. <br />Response 4: The project has been fully analyzed and conditions to ensure that all five required <br />findings of fact can be made to support granting of the requested CUP. Failure to comply with the <br />approved plans and the conditions of approval will result in inability to issue building permits for <br />the project and/or enforcement actions by the City, should the need arise. <br />Comment 5: This comment states that the subject project site and the adjacent GPOPA site were <br />built by the same builder and share infrastructure for drainage, power, telecommunications, <br />ingress, and egress, and that approval and development of the project site would result in <br />disruption to these utilities serving the GPOPA site. <br />Response 5: See response to Melinda Luthin's Comment 6, above. Moreover, the resolution for <br />the CUP has been conditioned to require proof of modification of any easements affected by the <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />