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Section 5. The City Council may, by resolution, establish a fee for the <br />administrative mobile food truck permit required by this ordinance. The City Council <br />shall from time to time by resolution adopt a schedule of fees to be charged. <br />Section 6. The City Council finds and determines that this ordinance is not <br />subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Pursuant to CEQA and the <br />CEQA Guidelines, the adoption of this Ordinance is exempt from CEQA review <br />pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines because it <br />will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the <br />environment, as there is no possibility it will have a significant effect on the environment <br />and it is not a "project", as defined in Section 15378 of the CEQA Guidelines. As a <br />result, a Notice of Exemption, Environmental Review No. 2022-99, will be filed upon <br />adoption of this ordinance. <br />Section 7. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of <br />this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of <br />any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the <br />remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council of the City of Santa Ana hereby <br />declares that it would have adopted this ordinance and each section, subsection, <br />sentence, clause, phrase or portion thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more <br />sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions be declared invalid or <br />unconstitutional. <br />Section 8. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its <br />adoption. <br />Section 9. The Clerk of the Council shall certify the adoption of this ordinance <br />and shall cause the same to be published as required by law. <br />ADOPTED this day of )2022. <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM <br />Sonia R. Carvalho, City Attorney <br />By: 4K/w <br />-Ft-v� <br />John M. Funk <br />Chief Assistant City Attorney <br />Mayor <br />City Council <br />9 — 18 12/20/2022 <br />Ordinance No. NS-XXXX <br />Page 8 of 9 <br />