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City of Santa Ana <br />Main Library <br />2021-2022 B F-1-21-053 <br />Page 16 <br />of this Agreement, or other combination of exhibits specified on the Grant <br />Agreement Coversheet attached hereto (collectively referred to as "Terms"). <br />Grantee's State Library -approved Application (Grantee's Application) is hereby <br />incorporated herein by this reference. In the event of conflict or inconsistency <br />between the articles, exhibits, attachments, specifications or provisions that <br />constitute this Agreement, the following order of precedence shall apply: <br />a. Grant Agreement Coversheet and any Amendments thereto <br />b. Terms and Conditions <br />c. Procedures and Requirements <br />d. Certificate of Compliance <br />e. Project Summary <br />f. Grantee's approved outputs from the sub tied application (including <br />Budget and Implementation plan sub as part of the required <br />award documents) <br />g. All other attachments hereto, incl ng any t are incorporated by <br />reference. <br />30. Payment: <br />a. The approved Budget, if app ' attalVed hereto and incorporated <br />herein by this reference and s to e imum amount of allowable <br />costs for each of th s iden din the Implementation Plan submitted <br />as part of the re ed a and d uments. The State Library shall provide <br />funding to the G to r only t work and tasks specified in the list of <br />approved out uts costs specified in the Budget submitted as <br />part of t a d documents and incurred in the term of the <br />Agre nt. <br />b. The Gr ee shall c ry out the work described in the Implementation Plan <br />in accor ce wit he approved Budget and shall obtain the Grant <br />Monitor's w proval of any changes or modifications to the <br />Implementatio Plan, approved project outputs, or the approved Budget <br />prior to performing the changed work or incurring the changed cost. If the <br />Grantee fails to obtain such prior written approval, the State Librarian or <br />designee, at his or her sole discretion, may refuse to provide funds to pay <br />for such work or costs. <br />c. The Grantee shall request funds in accordance with the funding schedule <br />included in this Agreement. <br />d. Ten percent (10%) will be withheld from the Payment Request (if <br />applicable) and paid at the end of the grant term, when all reports and <br />conditions stipulated in this Agreement have been satisfactorily <br />completed. Failure by the grantee to satisfactorily complete all reports <br />and conditions stipulated in this Agreement may result in forfeiture of any <br />such funds withheld. <br />City Council 13 — 20 12/20/2022 <br />